
Friday, August 12, 2011

Jung So Min's Video Singing for PK Osaka FM!

Remember the Playful Kiss Osaka Fan Meeting last May?
When we are all waiting for videos and pictures?
Especially the part where MinMin sing a song for the PK fans?
Our being patient has paid off as we now have video MinMin singing!
Thanks to my dear sister Pearl and jungsomin Raffine!

Below is the video Minnies!

Aigoo!! MinMin is soooooooooooooooooooooo adorable!
Her voice is so sweet! Such a lovely sight to see her explore more of her talents!
Its such an amazing feeling to know that 
MinMin can do everything as long she put her heart into it!
Will never get tired to say that I love this girl!

credits: lovesomin of youtube


  1. eeeeekk!!..Finally!!..My long wait is over! :D
    Thanks!! thanks!!--Kimchee

  2. Wow! That was really cute! Thanks for sharing this video! So loving it. :D

  3. even i can't understand the lyrics. i love the way she.. sang the cute her voice... love it....

  4. Wow!
    Such as cutie! I was seeing Oh Ha Ni again when Minmin sang in such a cute way. :) Adorable.
