
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Playful Kiss Fan Meeting in Tokyo Pics!

This is really the day!!! 
As I declared in twitter, I declared this day as the "HAPPY DAY"!
The first PK Fan Meeting has already ended so we are now expecting for pictures to come!
As of the moment we got some little pics from the FM!

Below are the few pics that we got!

I know its kinda blurry right?
I suddenly remember the last PK FM in Osaka
We got blurry pictures first then eventually got much better version of it!
But as of the moment I just wanted to basked in the sight of my fave OTP
sharing the same stage once more!
Plus Hyun Joong singing Kiss Kiss!
Such an added bonus already!

Hoping for more pics to come!

credits: weibo yao
loving khjhk of twitter
jeanneth of FB

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