
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Playful Kiss FanVids!

Did I tell you that I will bombard you will all Playful Kiss related 
as we celebrate that anniversary of our lovely drama!
Today we have some fanvids that celebrate the drama and 
the OTP that we all love and miss!

Below are the videos!

It really warms my heart every time that I see new fanvids for our lovely OTP! 
Because it only means that even though its been a year since Playful Kiss 
many people are still being captured by its own brand of charm and loveliness!
To all PKissers, thank you for keeping the love for Playful Kiss and to the HyunMin alive!
Love love love you all!!

credits: estanyela, the rukubebe8877

1 comment:

  1. yay, i have seen these on YT. pretty strong fro PK's 1 year anniversary.

    KHJ came to my country recently amidst tight security - thought he looked exhausted....i'm sure he is gonna need a long break after this?

    going a bit farther away from the point raised here - i have seen MVs from other love dramas including Taiwan dramas and i admit that i find the partners from WHY WHY LOVE seemed cute too. (sorry, just an observation)
