
Thursday, September 29, 2011

MinMin's MV: Please

My hunting expedition is kinda short today so only have a MV from our lovely MinMin!
Like this MV because it focuses to her first drama Bad Guy!
The first drama where we all saw her potential as an budding actress!

Below is the video!

Seeing the video makes me want to re-watch Bad Guy just for me
 to see her wonderful acting once more!
I do hope in the very near future we will able to see her in small screen once again!
And the date for her theater play is nearing so please wish our dear MinMin the best!

MinMin, wishing you the best and success!
And lastly have fun ok? 
We, the Minnies will be cheering for you!

credit: kedsarin100 of youtube

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Playful Kiss Tokyo Fan Meeting BTS Translations!

{Edited due to credits}

Hello my dearest Minnies!
Didn't have the chance to blog yesterday due to bad weather here in my location
A typhoon nevertheless!
But now I'm back with goodies!
Actually, it's not much but hope you like it!

Below we got the youtube version of the Playful Kiss Tokyo Fan Meeting
for those you can't access tudou
And got some translations from soompi! So without further ado, watch and read Minnies!

The Translations!

Credit and translation : totfeet of Baidu Tieba's HyunMin Bar

Dears,  Much is regrettable when the need arises! I learnt Japanese a long long time ago but I have almost forgotten most of it, I’ll try my best to translate what I can because my Chinese is limited too, translation standard is just this level only, if you can’t read on then wait for more professional translation.

H: Hyun Joong, M:MinMin, Mgr: Manager, ( ) personal thoughts and opinions


(M walked towards H, H turned his head slightly to look at the camera, M seem to be aware of the camera’s presence, walked in a very careful way.  H kept looking at M till she walked up to him….)

H: Good morning (M laughed because this greeting seem funny to her.) You have gone down a lot (very softly, he even used his hand to cover)

M: Lotsa rest naturally will get thinner (M smiled bitterly and sounded like she has no choice~~these are my personal views, because there are cameras around H~)

M: Good morning (M said to Mgr[who came over to join them] repeating how H said it. Then here I can’t help it ~ M still seem unable to avoid cameras, very innocently wanted to tell Mgr that H pretend to greet like they are not familiar still.  At this moment Mgr and H looked at each other for a long time, H seem to be giving him some signals, then Mgr became aware that H is concern of the cameras started the awkward convo as follows....)

Mgr: Thinner? (He said this to H. Isn’t it so? Instead he put H’s question back to H?)

H: No, absolutely not thinner at all.

Mgr:  Not at all?

H: Definitely. Never gone down.

Mgr : Came a week before?

H: This time longer

M: There were earthquakes yesterday

H: Twice (Take note that each time H reply M is very fast)

M: Kept having earthquakes yesterday

Mgr: I wasn’t aware of it

H: Last nite

Mgr: I was drinking and waiting for my beer

M: Got to be sensitive to be aware

H: Right, usually I can sense it

M: Only I sense it?

Mgr: There were no quiet people around (should mean that there were only drinkers around him)

M: At 12.30am midnight, I think I was bathing… (M recalling what she was doing…H was very quiet, I am wondering what he was doing then)

Mgr: Really? How about other places? Nagoya?

M: Nagoya, Nagoya, seem like actually it’s Nagoya

H: This is nothing new

Mgr: I like the people of Japan (Manager tease H is a Japanese. He said to M: Why?)

H: Going to become another Japanese

M: When are you going back?

H: Day after

M: Day after?

H: You?

M: I’ll back tomorrow

(Getting ready for rehearsal…)

H: During rehearsal, music recording is too low

M: I will request to adjust it higher a little

H: The mike is also a little weak … ask me when it’s turn on….

M: I have heard about the mike problem

H: ….(Here H seem to be saying that the mike is a big problem and M laughed.  There are no sub here and I don’t understand Korean)

M: Need to do some adjustment

to be continued …..

There you have it guys!
Translating from Japanese to Chinese is by totfeet of Tieba Baidu's Hyunmin Bar and translating from Chinese to English is by tlbpc of soompi Minjoong forum
Welll big thanks to totfeet for the translations and to tlbpc for translations and posting it to soompi!
You guys are really awesome! We owe another one!
Comments on the translations? I'm sorry I can't post my big smile here in the blog
so for the meantime here is my reaction ^_^
And I'm so excited for the continuation of the translations!
So Minnies, be good and wait patiently ok? 
Love, Love, Love you all!

credits: trytruyrn of youtube 
totfeet and tlbpc of soompi minjoong thread

Monday, September 26, 2011

Playful Kiss Tokyo Fan Meeting BTS GIF's & Video Link!

I know you are all wondering where we got the Playful Kiss 
Tokyo Fan Meeting BTS pictures
Well, the answer is in the link below but before the video link 
2 additional GIF's from the BTS!

So without further ado below are the GIF's and the video link!

And the Video Link!

So there you have it guys!
I do hope you enjoy it, as much as I did!
Big thanks to those who have share it!
We owe you one!
Just really love love love Playful Kiss and my ever lovely OTP!

credits: kathy's bench for gif's
snowflakesj16 of soompi
hyunmin thread at baidu

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Playful Kiss Tokyo Fan Meeting Videos Part 7 with Subs!

And here's another one!
We got now the Playful Kiss Tokyo Fan Meeting Video Part 7 with Subs!

Below are the video guys!
Enjoy it PKissers, Minnies and Henecians!

One video to go and we will have the complete PK Fan Meeting videos with Subs!
I really wish they would release a DVD version of the fan meeting and its BTS!
Surely it will be such a treat to all the Playful Kiss lovers out there like myself! 
Just super love Playful Kiss and the ever lovely OTP!
Miss them alot too! Love you MinMin and Hyun Joong!

credit: yjh0606 of youtube

(GIF) Jung So min on PlayFul Kiss Fanmeet in Tokyo

You got to some Playful Kiss BTS pictures so its time for some GIF's!
You know how crazy I am when it comes to GIF's!
So a big thank you to my dear dongsaeng Jeanneth for these GIF's!

Below are the GIF's!

Aigoo! Our dear MinMin is really lovely and graceful!
Her expressions are so adorable!
I love this girl to pieces!!!!
So please continue to support and love her!

credits: jeanneth of facebook


Playful Kiss Tokyo Fan Meeting BTS Pics - Part 2

Yesterday posted some Playful Kiss BTS pictures 
So now we do have additional pictures for it!
The BTS pictures were done by our dear dongsaeng Jeanneth!

So without further ado, below are the pics!
Enjoy it Minnies!

Maybe the name Jung So Min corresponds to the adjectives 
like cute, pretty, lovely, beautiful, etc!
Because this girl embodies all of it!
Being little sexy while looking so adorable!
Being cute but looking so classy!
Really wonder how she do that!
Well only MinMin can pull that off!
Love you MinMin!

credits: jeanneth of


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Playful Kiss Tokyo Fan Meeting Videos Part 5-6 with Subs!

And the showing of Playful Kiss love continues!
As we have here the part 5-6 of the subbed Playful Kiss Tokyo Fan Meeting!
So without further ado below are the videos!

Yay! The part 5-6 are already subbed! To the one making the subs
 for these videos we really owe you one!
What a way to end my already happy day even got some bruises on the side,
 it didn't dampen my happy day because my dear MinMin 
and Hyun Joong makes my night more happier!
Just really love love love these two alot!

credits: yjh0606 of youtube
kathy's bench 

Playful Kiss Tokyo Fan Meeting BTS Pics!

And I'm back again from the hunting expedition!
Now we got some Playful Kiss love as we have now few Playful Kiss 
Tokyo Fan Meeting BTS pics!
Its much but MinMin is there so, I love it still!

Below are the pics!

The adorable two were so focused on what they were watching!
I wonder what they were watching?

Awww they were watching MinMin while rehearsing!

Our dear MinMin! So cute!

Yah! Hyun Joong-ssh what were you looking at? 
 As we have the BTS pictures I hope they would share the video itself!
I'm dying to watch it because you all know how I love BTS when it comes from Playful Kiss!
I wonder what's in store in that BTS! Well I do hope I won't be wondering for too long!


Friday, September 23, 2011

Jung So Min's Old Pics at MBC Night

And the hunting continues! ^_^
And now I do have the old pictures of MinMin for the MBC Night 
If I remember it correctly the MBC Night happened before the Playful Kiss was aired
The pictures were with Kim Hyun Joong whom was the leading man of the drama

Below are the pics!

As I mentioned these pictures were prior the airing of Playful Kiss 
so you can see that our OTP seem to be so  chummy to each other quite the opposite 
to what we saw to the latest pictures of them
That's why I'm so glad that during the course of the filming they got to know each other
 and got to be comfortable with each other and become friends!
They really come a long way, did they?

credits: hyunmin thread of baidu

Random Playful Kiss BTS Pics!

Been lurking to different sites (what else is new ^_^) when saw these PK BTS pics
 and its not really new but to be honest
 I can't really remember if I already posted these pics but its so clear
 and candid that why I decided to post it here!

Below are random Playful Kiss BTS pics!

I know the pictures are not much but I think some of the 
Minnies haven't seen it so I do hope you still like it ^_^ 
Anyways will try to go hunting again to check if we can see more pics! 
See yah around my dear Minnies!

credit: hyunmin thread from baidu