
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Playful Kiss Tokyo Fan Meeting BTS Translations!

{Edited due to credits}

Hello my dearest Minnies!
Didn't have the chance to blog yesterday due to bad weather here in my location
A typhoon nevertheless!
But now I'm back with goodies!
Actually, it's not much but hope you like it!

Below we got the youtube version of the Playful Kiss Tokyo Fan Meeting
for those you can't access tudou
And got some translations from soompi! So without further ado, watch and read Minnies!

The Translations!

Credit and translation : totfeet of Baidu Tieba's HyunMin Bar

Dears,  Much is regrettable when the need arises! I learnt Japanese a long long time ago but I have almost forgotten most of it, I’ll try my best to translate what I can because my Chinese is limited too, translation standard is just this level only, if you can’t read on then wait for more professional translation.

H: Hyun Joong, M:MinMin, Mgr: Manager, ( ) personal thoughts and opinions


(M walked towards H, H turned his head slightly to look at the camera, M seem to be aware of the camera’s presence, walked in a very careful way.  H kept looking at M till she walked up to him….)

H: Good morning (M laughed because this greeting seem funny to her.) You have gone down a lot (very softly, he even used his hand to cover)

M: Lotsa rest naturally will get thinner (M smiled bitterly and sounded like she has no choice~~these are my personal views, because there are cameras around H~)

M: Good morning (M said to Mgr[who came over to join them] repeating how H said it. Then here I can’t help it ~ M still seem unable to avoid cameras, very innocently wanted to tell Mgr that H pretend to greet like they are not familiar still.  At this moment Mgr and H looked at each other for a long time, H seem to be giving him some signals, then Mgr became aware that H is concern of the cameras started the awkward convo as follows....)

Mgr: Thinner? (He said this to H. Isn’t it so? Instead he put H’s question back to H?)

H: No, absolutely not thinner at all.

Mgr:  Not at all?

H: Definitely. Never gone down.

Mgr : Came a week before?

H: This time longer

M: There were earthquakes yesterday

H: Twice (Take note that each time H reply M is very fast)

M: Kept having earthquakes yesterday

Mgr: I wasn’t aware of it

H: Last nite

Mgr: I was drinking and waiting for my beer

M: Got to be sensitive to be aware

H: Right, usually I can sense it

M: Only I sense it?

Mgr: There were no quiet people around (should mean that there were only drinkers around him)

M: At 12.30am midnight, I think I was bathing… (M recalling what she was doing…H was very quiet, I am wondering what he was doing then)

Mgr: Really? How about other places? Nagoya?

M: Nagoya, Nagoya, seem like actually it’s Nagoya

H: This is nothing new

Mgr: I like the people of Japan (Manager tease H is a Japanese. He said to M: Why?)

H: Going to become another Japanese

M: When are you going back?

H: Day after

M: Day after?

H: You?

M: I’ll back tomorrow

(Getting ready for rehearsal…)

H: During rehearsal, music recording is too low

M: I will request to adjust it higher a little

H: The mike is also a little weak … ask me when it’s turn on….

M: I have heard about the mike problem

H: ….(Here H seem to be saying that the mike is a big problem and M laughed.  There are no sub here and I don’t understand Korean)

M: Need to do some adjustment

to be continued …..

There you have it guys!
Translating from Japanese to Chinese is by totfeet of Tieba Baidu's Hyunmin Bar and translating from Chinese to English is by tlbpc of soompi Minjoong forum
Welll big thanks to totfeet for the translations and to tlbpc for translations and posting it to soompi!
You guys are really awesome! We owe another one!
Comments on the translations? I'm sorry I can't post my big smile here in the blog
so for the meantime here is my reaction ^_^
And I'm so excited for the continuation of the translations!
So Minnies, be good and wait patiently ok? 
Love, Love, Love you all!

credits: trytruyrn of youtube 
totfeet and tlbpc of soompi minjoong thread


  1. I wonder why MM laughed when he said good morning? What's so funny about that? LOL

    And why does he have to whisper that she lost alot of weight? You could barely hear him talking, and he even kind of covered his mouth. What's with all the whispering?

    Why is MM answering so quickly every time HJ says something?

    All three of them are so cautious, I mean, what are they trying to hide? There would be no need to whisper about and look nervous with the camera around if there was absolutely nothing.

    Oh, we are onto something guys.

  2. I'm wonder why at first HJ said to Min gone down, but after with her manager he said she never gone down.. there anything u want to hide..

  3. @1:33, yes I'm wondering about that too. Did MM got sick before the PK event??

  4. MinnieMe
    Seems like MinMin also cannot wait to start working again.. From the way she smiled " bitterly" after making the "lotsa rest" comment. Really wish she will get involve in a drama soon.

  5. Reading your comments again, fyi the continuation part will be by tlbpc and not totfeet.

    If no proper credits at the least is given in respect of the translator, there may not be any translation for the continuation part.

    It's frustrating, yesterday I saw the same thing happened in Kathy's Bench till a guest have to keep prompting her at the side bar shouting to give the proper credit.

  6. please give proper credits to the ones who spend alot of time and effort in translating!

    Translating from Japanese to Chinese is by totfeet of Tieba Baidu's Hyunmin Bar.

    Translating from Chinese to English is by tlbpc of soompi Minjoong forum.

    So you see how difficult it is for us who are not Koreans, it takes a huge circle to get to understand what they said - translating from Korean to Japanese to Chinese then to English.

    Please once again, be very careful when you copy over translations from elsewhere to give the right credits to the deserving translator.

  7. I really find those who commented strange, how come they read without understanding?

    For Anon @12.26pm, why MM find HJ's Good Morning greeting funny is because he was being too formal to her. Simple isn't it?

    For Anon @1.33pm and @1.50pm, H is for Hyun Joong, M is for MinMin, HJ told MM that she has gone down, the Manager asked HJ and not MM whether he has gone thinner! Tsk. tsk, tsk! It's so straight forward isn't it? What's the confusion ?

  8. Translating from Japanese to Chinese by totfeet of Tieba Baidu's Hyunmin Bar.
    Translating from Chinese to English by tlbpc of soompi Minjoong forum.
    credits: trytruyrn of youtube

    Lots of thanks, hugs and love to all of you who painstakingly translated the conversation of our dear OTP and posted the video. Appreciate it very much!! You're the BEST!!

  9. hi guys! thank you for visiting the blog! and in regards to the credits, thank you advising the correct way of giving credits, didnt mean any harm or any disrespect to the one who did the translating and posting in soompi. in fact its quite the contrary. I feel so thankful to those who are giving their time and effort in doing these this for all the fans of Minjoong. I do personally do thank you guys for all the hardwork. If you feel that you are not properly given credit to, then I do apologize for that, rest assured that in the future it will not be the case. And thank you for visiting the blog and giving some love for MinMin as well as Hyun Joong! take care everyone! Love love love!

  10. the wave is so cute from them. looking them again, hj is very comfortable with jsm. i hope these two will end up to each other in the future.

  11. after following the analysis made ​​by Kathy, I understand with a smile JSM hear the greeting "good morning" from KHJ. They've been so close during the PK. Understand each other and I think it's not just disappear.

  12. I was shipping HJ with his other co-star for 2 years, then jump ship immediately when I saw photos of him with MM at the PK event in Osaka. That's so not like me. I couldn't believe I did that. LOL In the photos, they looked so much like each other. You know when people say that husbands and wives start to resemble each other after awhile, well that's what I saw in those pictures. I know it's strange but that was what I saw. And no, I'm not crazy. I could be blind though. LOL I wish them both happiness, together or separately. As fans, that's all we can do. :)

  13. Anon at 10:20 AM

    That's exactly what happened to me too! I used to hate shipping HJ with anyone, I didn't like it at all. But then I saw that MBC night picture, the one where he is staring at her, and I got really curious! And then the Osaka FM only made me ship them more. This is the first time I've shipped HJ with anyone. I'm so surprised with myself.

  14. As I'm a new fan, I'm curious to know the difference in the way he treats his co-stars vs how he's like with MM? I've watched BoF & WGM but didn't get any strong vibes... Unlike everything that I've seen between him and MM on-screen & off-screen, as well as during fan ... Hope their connection stays strong...

  15. Having seen the whole video, the part when HJ turned back and walked to MM and asked her what are they to do at the beginning on stage was quite interesting. He didn't even address her but just asked her, doesn't seem like they have not seen each other for a long time. Besides, he can ask anyone around him but he went to ask MM! Could it be that he just want to see MM and listen to her telling him they are to hug?? Kekeke... what were you up to HJ??
