
Monday, September 5, 2011

MinMin's Cyworld Update 05Sep!

Finally!!! Our dear princess update us thru her Cyworld!
And the pictures as usual are so freaking adorable!
So below are the pictures so you wont have to wait longer!

Below are the adorable pics Minnies!

팔불출이어도 좋아라

혓바닥 쏙

근데 엄마 폰 베고 자는거 아니에요~

OMG!! I often say that I miss MinMin like crazy but I realized
I almost cried when I saw the Cyworold pictures! 
Emotional much? Yeah I bit! Hahahaha!
But her updated pictures makes all the wait worth it!
The pictures are so freaking adorable!
MinMin as her usual lovely self!
And her dog is so cute!!! 
I suddenly wanted to post a pic of a dog but
 I remember I don't have a pet dog! LOL!
I love every pic in her update!!! 

Thanks MinMin for the wonderful update!
It surely made my day brighter than usual!

a little side comment: What's up with dogs nowadays? People are updating their nowadays. Wonder why?

credits: snowflakesj16 of soompi
jungsomin's cyworld


  1. she is only wearing a shirt.



  2. wow! minmin is every inch adorable..she looks so cute even if she is sleeping and her dog looks so cute too..we can see how lovely she is and it shows that her dog love her very much..hope to update us with you're new activities minmin.. I miss you that i want to see you again on back soon minmin..!!

  3. New pet puppy? How cute and adorable are the two of them together. MM is so sexy and cute, wonder who's the photographer. Could it be that Someone who love dogs and innocent girls that are also sexy?

  4. Sleeping on the floor with the phone and the puppy next to her - SO cute!!! Is the new pet given by someone who also own two dogs? ...keke!..wonder what's the puppy name.

  5. I think she is wearing a jumper, not a shirt. The bottom looks like short shorts. And she is such a natural beauty! And has amazing skin, I'm so envious.
    Her dog is adorable, looks young. Wonder where she got it? Someone's puppies should come play with hers, haha.
    Also, this means she is back from Jeju. I know of someone that came back from Jeju too ;)

  6. How I love all these coincidences -
    1) Dog
    2) Jeji island
    makes me so glad....

  7. Eh, i am so outdated with news. She went to Jeju? where was the source of news she went there? And that someone also went to Jeju? right after the Phils tour??? tell tell more PLEASE... i am really far behind.. the chatango is hard to get in lately

  8. One fan at his new Jaksal Chicken store posted that he was in Jeju right after he returned from the Asian tour.

  9. But how did you know that Min Min was also in Jeju?

  10. i think MM took the picture herself. she imitate her dog sleeping. from my observation, she is so creative and like expressing her feeling through picture. MM! how can you be so adorable, cute and sexy in the same time even when you are sleeping.

  11. The coincidence is too close especially with the Jeju trip! I didn't know about this either (although I did have that as my imagination whilst thinking the kind of well-deserved rest needed of that other someone after his Asia tour...hehehe)...please share your updates so that we can continue spazzing...kekeke :)

  12. GREAT! Now we have an Oppa who snores like a kitten and a dongsaeng who sleeps like a puppy? :P

  13. OMG. Thrilled to see this cyworld update! I never expected an update about dogs from her, actually. So happy she has an adorable dog who seems to adore its owner equally. :D

    People like showing photos of their dogs recently, eh? :D

  14. Her Labrador is soooo adorable!!! Hope we will find out her/his name soon. Yes , they both can plan for playdates with their dogs . Ha!

  15. Why a black puppy and not brown or white or patches? We all know someone's fave color is Black!...kekeke!

  16. I dont think she's just acting. it looks like shes really sleeping. i thought she likes cats or kittens more... maybe someone gave that puppy to her hehe. yes i'm also curious about the jeju island trip, did she really went there??

  17. Adorable So Min and a cute pet..:)..If we google translate the captions of MM turn out that her pet puppy is call "Palbulchul"..and is a female puppy..huhu..From top pics:

    1) 팔불출이어도 좋아라 : Palbulchul overjoyed even though
    2) 모두따라잡기 : Catch all ,혓바닥 쏙: Tongue lump
    3) 옳지옳지~: Wrong is wrong ~
    4) 근데 엄마 폰 베고 자는거 아니에요~: And she's not a phone chopping dont ~
    5 - 7)옳지옳지~ : Wrong is wrong ~

    Hoho..sounds funny but seems like not too far from accuracy..:).

  18. Minmin is so adorable and pretty (and sexy) even when she is sleeping and without make-up. A true beauty indeed! :)

    And I like her puppy Minmin so adorable and well-behaved. :)

    What a treat for Minmin's fans! :)

  19. i soo love minmin and i love her puppy too,well mannered just like the owner....

  20. what a sight! Hehe..terribly miss her..awww the sleeping beauty w/ her cute puppy..and man, shes sexy and looking hot even just wearing a tshirt..shes so innocent while sleeping that adds to her hotness..whewww...i saved one pic and made it my cel wallpaper..haha w/ her cute puppy..and man, shes sexy and looking hot even just wearing a tshirt..shes so innocent while sleeping that adds to her hotness..whewww...i saved one pic and made it my cel wallpaper..haha

  21. hmmm..shes undeniably a natural beauty and exudes that sensual appeal in her..i always find her sexy even before..and what makes her even more sexier is that shes not even aware of it....we miss u yoon ji! l in her..i always find her sexy even before..and what makes her even more sexier is that shes not even aware of it....we miss u yoon ji!

  22. kitten, puppy, squirrel and piglet...that's quite a farm

  23. minmin is really pretty and sexy.. hope to see her in t.v screen soon! oh pls give us some updates about her new projects =)

  24. I just adore these photos! Miss u MM!!!

  25. Like some of you, I have a feeling this puppy was given to her by somebody. ;) She did say she loves kitten during PK filming (when KHJ fell asleep during tutoring). Also, there was scene in O'live where she was petting a cat/kitten.
