
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Jung So Min in YStar News for the COUPLES Premiere!


Yay! MinMin is here!!! 
So happy to see all the beautiful pictures of MinMin in the premiere of Couples!
And now we do have the video of her in the red carpet!

Below is the video Minnies!
She can be seen at 5:58!

Its a happy day as we get to see the ever beautiful MinMin!
MinMin really got the style!
Love her ensemble! From the blue top to the bag to the boots!
We really have the fashionista in the house!
And so happy to see that she supported her friend Lee Si Young from Playful Kiss!
What a good friend right? Awwww!

OMG, MinMin I really miss you!!!
Hope to see more of you ok?
Love you!!! 

credit: ystarchannel2 of youtube
kyra of soompi


  1. Maybe you should also credits kira of soompi for finding the video... by the way SoMin is up not at 5:58 but a little later, probably you would know that if you had watched the video and not only copy kira post... I hope kira unlike pearl doesn't care for credits otherwise soompi will lost another poster in SoMin thread and that would be very sad... people just should learn to give proper credits to the people that kindly share the love for SoMin, is that so difficult?

  2. Hi Jean,
    Have you heard of the latest yet?!
    MM has gotten a new TV drama script, it's another adaptation from a Japanese manga but no info on the male lead and name of the drama still.
    Info I read is from JSM Baidu forum!

  3. Hi Jean,
    Thanks for the update on MM. She is lovelier by days for sure.

    Note: I think the issue of crediting the person/s that contributed to the vids and etcs.. need to be taken into account and to your attention somehow..since, i read some msg written by visitor/s to this blog which was/is quite disappointed and close to angry i guess..:) with this..and personally for me, it isn't a very good "vibe" for us..coz ppl like me, i dont mind at all about not being credited at all but every of us surely have a different kind of opinions..

    so, i suggest, if you do want to post any vids or pics or articles or etcs which are from other sites or not originally from yourself..may be can put this note at the credit parts.."NOTE: PLEASE INFORM ME ASAP IF I MISSED/FORGOT TO CREDIT ANY OTHERS!"and might also wise if you stated where you took/found the vids/pi n etcs with your post..

  4. at the very least all can see that you do want to credit every persons that contribute to the vids n etcs..

  5. woah! chill anon 4:18.. give jean some benefits of the doubt.. she's really working hard on this site you know? (we, fans of minmin are very grateful of that.) not to mention she also has her personal life. she doesn't mean any harm in not putting credits to kira. maybe she just forgot. anyone can make mistakes once in a while. and by the way, i think she's one of those "people that kindly share the love for somin" (just look at this blog! ^_< )even if she just copy and paste it. at least she's not taking credits for it right? smile and be happy anon 4:18.

    hi jean, sorry for the long comment. i just want to thank you for keeping this blog active in spite of minmin being "not-so-active" lately. hehe. thank you for working hard. we appreciate all of your efforts. btw, minmin really rocks! fighting!

  6. you're right anon 5:18,,everyone commit mistakes and I'm sure jean just forgot to give credit to the one who originally posted the video..thanks for all the post are really an angel for always updating us about minmin..we do understand that sometimes you forgot to give the proper credit to someone..but its okay..we always support you and we are thankful..

  7. anon 5:18
    anon 4:18 here, I smile especially thanks to our princess SoMin and because of this I'm not happy if people stop to share videos, pictures, news of SoMin...
    Yes, jen put her effort in this blog but don't you think people that spend their time to scan magazines, record and upload videos, finding news or new pictures or videos spend their time as well on it if not even more?
    So at the very least just give them credits it's not an hard task, especially considering that pearl, jean dear friend, was the first to freak out because people didn't give credits to her for pictures that weren't even her own pictures?
    This blog doesn't allow to save pictures but then they copy and paste from other sites without crediting, it not the first time that happen (for example 'SoMin scan pic' comes from a japanese site, ameblo, but it was cropped and posted with credits to other people) I didn't say anything because I gave the "benefits of the doubt" and honestly speaking I don't really care for pearl, kira or whatever to be credited but what worry me is that people will stop to post about SoMin
    You can call me a lurker, I admit that I'm and also a lazy one, I don't have an account in soompi or baidu but I always check the post for SoMin news, I don't contribute anything, just silently support SoMin but because of this I'm really really grateful to all the ones that spend their time to share news videos pictures photos about SoMin and that's why I would be sad if these people stop to share
    I'm thankful for this blog and I thank jen for it but I think we should behave following SoMin example :)

  8. Hi anon 4:18!

    5:18 here.. :) Wasn't really intending to hurt you. I was just giving my opinion, I guess. Sorry if you think I misbehaved and my comment doesn't mean anything that would insult you or harm you at all. Sorry if you misunderstood. I guess I just feel for jean. :) and yeah, I agree with anon 5:13 with the note so as to avoid any confusions and disrespect (even if it's not intended, ie: Jean..) to those who originally posted it. And anon 4:18, just to add.. I am also a lurker and I am very grateful for those people who spend the time and effort just to share to the fans the activities of our lovely somin. Again no hurt feelings implied here. :)

    Sorry Jean for the comments. I know you don't want anything like this in the blog. Wan't really looking for a fight. Hee. I guess I was misunderstood. :(

    Peace everybody! Let's enjoy this day and celebrate minmin's comeback to k-entertainment landia. Good evening and have a great night!

  9. anon 5:18 you didn't hurt me, don't worry :)
    'behave following SoMin example' wasn't direct to you and there isn't any fight, I was just giving you my POV because you said to chill out
    No hard feeling, really, just the explanation of my comment :)
    'I am very grateful for those people who spend the time and effort just to share to the fans the activities of our lovely somin'
    because of this is right to give them the proper credits and avoid they stop to share
    That's what I think, great night to you too fellow lurker fan of SoMin, let's keep to love her :)

  10. hello everyone! PEACE sisters/brothers...please forgive and forget...kindly give credits to people giving updates, etc..., if accidentally the credit is not properly given, please understand we are just humans, TO ERR IS HUMAN AND TO FORGIVE IS DIVINE... in behalf of minnies we are all very grateful for all the contributors of this blog who are giving their whole self in keeping this blog alive...we salute you guys..we know all of us also have different lives to live but despite all your busy schedules you have given ample time to post...GOD bless to one and all...HAVE FUN...just relax..keep everyone's COOL...

  11. would that help with all this bickering if this blog to be shut down or non active? If credits are been missed out, then just let the admins of this blog to correct it and admins pls be careful with this credits thingy. Issue resolved then and this blog continue to be a happy vibe place to share and connect by MM's fans. Why it has to be resorted " i will not share anymore" or such comments above and POVs here.

    It is such a shame to see how this place has now become, i see this blog when the 1st post been posted, we chat happily on chatango and have fun with our fandom but it sadden me to see all this bashing/bickering here.

    -Ahjumma 40's-

  12. Yes, I think as so min's fans, our greatest gift to her is to show our kindness to one another and to help share our love for MinMin so that more people will discover why we love MinMin so much. It's been ridiculously tense here and at soompi thread ever since pearl got upset and stated her refusal to share because of people taking the photos without asking her consent. While we cannot dictate what pearl should or should not feel or force her to share, let's all get over the tension. It's so painful to see how people are almost afraid to repost or share resource for fear they unknowingly "steal" and become labelled as thieves when all they want is to let more people see and be updated of MinMin.Yes, credit to all minnies:) even lurkers, coz they are the silent supporters.

  13. it's been a while since the last time that I post a comment here, and it's sad to know that these things happened. We all just want to support minmin. and please let peace be with us always, chaos won't help us, it will just ruin the friendship that we started as we only have one common goal and that is to support Minmin. and Please do refrain from judging someone, as what other said in their comments above, nobody's perfect and we can't avoid to commit mistake...hope that all of this misundersading will end for the sake of our love for minmin....PEACE BE WITH US ALWAYS....mhel


  15. I remember there is a scene in PK when Haera pinch Hani's cheek. I think that's because MM is really so cute and adorable and Li Shi Yong is being very sisterly towards her. So they have remain friends after PK and that's really nice of them.


    I will address the issue you are referring in regards to the credits. Let me clear in the very beginning never did my intention will I ever steal or intend to ignore anybody or anyone who shares anything about MinMin. To those who share you know how much Im thankful! As much as possible i'll put everybody in the credits if I know it. Or if I made a mistake in making the credits I do amend it as early as I could.
    IF you think I made a mistake, then I do apologize and will amend what you think I have done wrong. To be honest it pains me to see that even though we have to resort in this kind of "bickering", I know MinMin would not want to see her Minnies being like this. Its like we are not different from other fandom. We started this blog because of our love to MinMin, nothing more nothing less. And the only thing that keeps me going to do this blog is my love for her and the friends that I have gained thru this blog. And the only way that I know to show my love for her is thru this blog. I dont have the money,the connections, or even the whole knowledge about K-entertainment but Im trying my best to give what I could.....If you think that its not enough then I do apologize for that.

    But I can only ask one thing? Please continue to support and love MinMin, you might not love this blog but PLEASE continue to be with her because she truly deserves our love.



  17. Hi Jean, i'am very grateful that you've delicated your time to create this beautiful website. Pls keep up with your wonderful work for the love for MimMin. Thank you!!!

  18. hi jean,cheer matter what happens we will always support your blog and most especially our dearest minmin..I am very grateful to you..for giving us the best you could..and exerting much much effort for updating us about minmin..I do understand you and I know its normal that sometimes we commit mistakes that we do not intend to do..all you did for us is more than enough and for that I'm very thanful..we will be always here for you and to our you jean..

  19. elo jean..its not really a big issue..we should all be happy cuz so min looks so happy and dashing u all guyz..

  20. hi jean,i hugely appreciate everything you've done to keep this blog going, and to the admin as well, i am so much thankful for all your efforts guyz, really you have given so much love for our minmin, keep it up.. as i do love minmin too, your dedication is awesome, you showed so much passion and love to everyone who also cared for minmin by providing us updates, i hope and pray that we will keep the fire of love burning inside our hearts, GOD bless one and from philippines

  21. @ Jean,

    Cheer up, don't mind the negative vibes....stay positive...


  22. Yes, Jean thanks for your laboring love of minmin's fans, for you im thinking always positive...
    I was touch of your word that there is no money connection... your doing is only to support and to express love of our dearest minmin... hope you don't descourage to updates everytime concerning our minmin... more power to you, i like your blog.
    Call me celly.
