
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Jung So Min for Jenny House - Ceci Photoshoot BTS

And my day starts with being my angels
And seeing MinMin's pictures are another added bonus!
We got here some pictures from jennyhouse!
And million thanks to Pearl for sharing!

Below are the pics!

I don't have the copy of CeCi magazine so its a good thing that jennyhouse did share some pictures!
So happy even though don't have proper sleep
Seeing MinMin and being with friends are such a wonderful remedy! ^_^
Pearl thanks again, love you my dear sister!
I owe you again!
And jeanneth for uploading the pics! Love yah dongsaeng!

credit: jennyhouse
mi joo kim of FB



  1. Alan, you can forget about it, you don't stand a chance with your eerie, creepy perverted dirty old man way! Take a look at yourself in the mirror first!!!
    We really hate your type coming here to tease and ruin this place of purity.
    Why don't you stay out of here or fly to Korea?

  2. Don't like you here giving your frightful scary comments to MinMin. Can you please STOP being so disgusting?!!!!!!
    I feel sorry for MinMin to have such crazy weirdo fans like that as an actress. It's really advisable not to be in showbiz because you'd never know what kind of scary man would stalk you and that's very dangerous!

  3. MinMin,really we miss you.
    best wishes for you.your fan from Germany.
    please do well .same a princes:-)

  4. as cute as always minmin, stay as sweet as you are...we are missing you dear, wish to see you soon on tv, stay healthy...minmin fighting!!

  5. thanks for the admin for posting these pics..minmin looks a little thinner here....well she looks very pretty here but i like her not to be as skinny as possible...she looks much cuter if she is not so thin,,,either way i still love you minmin,,,stay healthy...God bless you always..

  6. hello jean, i was able to browse jung so min soompi thread, there were 2 pics of minmin when she was still young, very old pics but very cute, she had short hair then, hope you can post it here...sorry i really don't know how to...thanks a lot in advance, it's in page 17 at the page bottom...God bless admin you guys...

  7. i just finished yesterday browsing this blog of yours from december 2010 till october 2011, hehehe, so many pages's ok as long as it is about hyunmin couple in it and most especially our dearest minmin, i just love your blog...i came across your birthday celebration for minmin, i really admire you guys there, hope and pray you will not get tired of doing things for minmin, we all love her, and we do things which we thought we never do, you are all passionate people, we are grateful for everything you've done...guys..keep it up..we are counting on you a lot of minmin's updates here...everyday i never fail to visit this blog since i got my internet connection, i pray for all of you always too, hope you are all very ok since there are a lot of typhoons visiting our country...i guess admin is from the phils.? right? pray for all victims of flood...GOD bless everyone

  8. Thanks for this beautiful and cute pics for MinMin...
    I was also miss her enjoy seeing this pics.

  9. hi guys!! how are you all doing? hope your great! @alan, please as mentioned before please refrain from your comments that is not so nice to read, im sounding kinda rude but im deleting your comments if you remain this way. @cathy, wow! all the post from december? just wow! kekekeke! thanks for reading all of them! I suddenly felt shy that you read most of my posts and some of my crazy antics! kekekeke! just kidding! @to all, I should be the one thanking you guys for always visiting the blog and supporting MinMin! please wait for her return! take care everyone! love love love!

  10. wow im glad hat a lot of people came here to support so min...hope to hear more news from so min...
