
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Jung So Min's Pics for New Activity!

I posted earlier picture of MinMin for her possible new activity!
Now got another picture and a bit bigger picture of the first one!

Below are the pics!

Now I'm dying of curiosity what is her new activity!
I hope we can get some clues soon!!!
Or MinMin can give us a little hint! 
Just wishing!

credits: may of 


  1. I hope that this activity is a part of her new project.
    She's like in the studio if im not wrong...
    Minmin we hope that not the end of this year, we can see you in screen again we are really miss you.....
    Thanks for the new pics.

  2. I think the color is making her look thinner. She looks healthy. Just don't loose more weight, there is no need to!
    I really miss her, why can't no one tell us what this activity is? Why be so mysterious about it? I'm pretty sure they put a name with the picture. Is it just an interview?
    Please, someone tell us, sharing is caring :( Sometimes I hate no being Korean and being able to go to those forums and see the latest updates...
    The first picture looks older. She doesn't part her hair that way now, its to the other side. Did she cut her hair? She looks so much prettier with longer hair!
