
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Additional BTS Screencaps!

Well, I admit! I just can't get enough of the BTS from Playful Kiss YT episode 5, 
so I got some screencaps from  krispin 08 from soompi.

Added bonus: snowflakesj16 also from soompi did make a gif!

These are the screencaps!

The GIF!

Who you have thought that simple fall-in-the-stair scene would be so spazz worthy BTS?
Gosh!!! This spazz worthy BTS that we saw only came from PK YT Episode 5
Then I wonder what more from the other episodes?
Will there be more sweet, giddy and spazz worthy BTS?

I hope Group 8 will also release Playful Kiss BTS DVD
If they will do that, for sure that BTS DVD will be a sure hit!
Hopefully they can answer the PKissers wish!

credits: krispin08 for the screencaps
snowflakesj16 for the GIF



Valentines Tribute by Ockoala!

Well, Its really a great feeling to know that many people still love Playful Kiss
 as much as we do.
So, imagine my delight when I read the article made by Ockoala on her AKP!

Thanks Ockoala for being such a good PK fairy!
Really love the article!

Below is the tribute! Enjoying reading Minnies, HyunMins even Hyunnies 
and of course PKissers!

Valentine’s Day Tribute: A Look at the Couple’s Outfits in Playful Kiss

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I know V-day hasn’t arrived yet, but happy things can be shared early, no? Last night I went to sleep with a mile-wide grin on my face. Why? Because I am finally re-watching Playful Kiss for the first time since it concluded (and since I wrote my final recap for episode 7 of the Youtube edition). In the intervening months, I’ve watch many more dramas, and left PK in a safe warm place in my heart. To be honest, I was worried that re-watching it would make me lose some of my love for it.

I was thrilled to discover that, quite the contrary, I am loving every minute of my re-watch so far. It took just one conversation between cold, mean, and arrogant Baek Seung Jo, and heart-on-her-sleeve, underachieving Oh Ha Ni, for me to rekindle my burning love for this couple. With that in mind, bringing a picture retrospective of all the couple’s outfits that our darling kids wore throughout the drama and the YT episodes. The wardrobe coordinator really deserves a big hug and some high fives.

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What I love about their couple’s outfits is that (1) its always age-appropriate, (2) some are identical and other are complementary, and (3) both Jung So Min and Kim Hyun Joong individually look wonderful wearing it, and even more so when standing next to each other. Oh gosh, I miss these two cutie pies so much! Starting with them wearing their casual school uniforms above, let’s go on a trip down memory lane with Seung Jo and Ha Ni!

Pretty in pale forest garb.
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Complementary in pink and grey.
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Graduation-ready in matching mustard school jackets.
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Rocking the same pale peach.
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His and hers black, white (and pink) tennis outfits.
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The legendary couple’s tees.
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Back hugs in hospitals look the best when you wear coordinating camel 
and cream colored outfits.
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Having fun in light blues and greys.
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You wear plaid, I wear plaid.
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Nothing says breakfast after a chaste night in bed like dark and light blue pajama tops.
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Mutual comfort in cream and whites.
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Rocking the same shade of dark jacket, accessorized with either red or white.
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Camel and navy nautical-inspired coats for a rain-kissed night.
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Hugging in blue sweaters is the best way to hug.
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A stroll in the park in matching navy peacoats.
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The Mamma-Baek hand-selected honeymoon couple’s outfits.
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A crisp, clean, preppy look.
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Couple PJs for the wedding night.
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Identical PJs for mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
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Complementary camel and navy coats for a date in a Mini Cooper.
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Let’s go all-black for our Youtube version press conference.
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Wearing a couple’s outfit just to make the wifey happy is the best husband in the world.
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Gotta wear white cotton tees when wifey wants to poke you with a needle.
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Blue and white tops are the perfect thing to wear when dealing with a fake pregnancy.
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All black outfits match the mood for dealing with an unwanted chick in your room.
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Who knew a nurse and a patient’s outfit could lead to major kissage.
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Teaching the wife to drive requires coordinating the outfits.
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Dark camel and light beige blend together, to celebrate a birthday, 
and herald many more birthdays to come.
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To Seung Jo and Ha Ni – thank you for sharing such a delightful love story with us. 
Re-watching PK just reminded me how hard it is to let you two go. Wishing a Happy Valentine’s Day for a drama couple that felt as real as anything I’ve ever seen onscreen.

Well, there you have it guys!
I do hope you like the article as I like it!
One thing I also notice, even the hair color of Baek Seung Jo and Oh Hani 
were the same especially when they did become a couple!
So cute!

Seeing these pics makes me miss them more!
Now, I'm off again to re-watch PK!

Til next time guys!

credit: ockoala of ockoala's playground