
Monday, February 13, 2012

Jung So Min Cyworld Update (February 13, 2012)

OMG!! Im Loving the Effect of her Photo....
She's really Lovely..
Somin~ssi.. Enjoying the Good weather??

Credits: JungSomin Cyworld ^^

"화창한 겨울봄날"
 Sunny Spring Day in Winter


  1. oooooo are cute. looks like a child playing on the wall climb.

  2. que linda toma, ella es muy bonita, y con esa foto alejada de la farandula, ella tiene una vida tranquila, se muestra una paz, ay como la extraño. Jung So Min regresa pronto.I mis you:(

  3. HJ: You updated your cy world again, but you look thinner
    SM: I have been eating
    HJ: That ice cream bowl didn't help you a bit
    SM: It was good
    HJ: But you look so sad
    SM: I was missing someone
    HJ: I missed you too
    SM: I'm talking about my best friend, I haven't seen her in a couple of days.
    HJ: I thought you were thinking about me too
    SM: I have your CD, I listened to your song "U", "Smile" and "I'm your man" every single day.
    HJ: Glad you like it, I wrote it for you. Don't tell anyone that.

    1. hahhahaha....this conversation looks real... dont tell anyone? lol

    2. hahahaha hilarious! more, please??? :)

  4. if minmin and khj are really a couple now..i wonder what are they say and talking about when see each others....hehehee

  5. i miss mm badly..i miss her acting lol...Pk is not enough for me...i want more drama from her...why there no news about her project so far...before this she always mention that she will comeback and got a new project...miss her lol..

  6. did u guys notice that minmin's sunglasses and hj's sunglasses are the same brand( armani emporio) if u watch fm at osaka's rehearsal , you will see that his sunglasses has armani logo and minmin too....

    1. same sponsor mayb..n we already know that they're often using/wearing same things...but dunno if they have similar taste of accesories..hahaha

  7. Hi all MinMin fans who love her with KHJ as a couple, would you all like to vote them as the most popular pairing of all time poll in soompi? Their names are not listed for voting, some fans has already went into the thread to request to have KHJ and JSM's name included. If you are concern please go to soompi website - soompi forums - k-entertainment discussion and you will see the thread topic.

    There are many of the other ship there voting for KHJ and HB, SO PLEASE avoid/don't get engage in any quarrel with them. It's just a poll so don't get so work up, just like the valentine couple's poll which has KHJ and MinMin's names but not KHJ and HB.

    1. Hm, I actually rather not go there. Polls can be very biased and from the looks of it, a certain's show's couples are going to win. Nothing wrong with that of course, since there are lots of fans of lots of different couples.
      I don't mind that showing off our couple, I don't think we even need to do that. It makes me feel secure to enjoy what we see in our own little place. If that results in them not winning in polls, I don't mind too much. Better to stay completely away from clashes, since we want a friendly atmosphere, right?

    2. Could't agree more with you. I'd rather not go there as well.. Knowing myself, I can get a liitle too defensive when it comes to our dear couple, I might say something that's really not good in the eyes of many shippers when somebody bash them especially our dear princess, so might as well stay away right?

      Minmin looks like another version of humpty dumpty sitting on a wall.. Haha. Cute! Just don't fall okay?:)

    3. yeah....for me too that i think i'ts not that necessary for us to include uri dear couple in such's not that i hate it but better,seems that it won't give big influence for us n our fandom often suffering from i think let them b to pair KHJ with any other girl...for me...only one couple still...even they're not win in any polling.... hyunmin always fighting!!!

  8. guys, i think anon is right. let's not go there! it's going to make things messy! and we really don't want that! whenever there is a shipping argument, they always point fingers towards the actress, and i don't want that to happen to MM. PLEASE GUYS, PLEASE! Let's not get involved.
    It's not worth it!

    1. agree with u....better not followed such poll

  9. OK, let's forget it totally. Whoever wins doesn't mean anything to the couple, as if by the more votes they get the more they'll really actually date?

    1. I couldn't agree more! Only the people involved know the real deal. Not us, not them, just HIM and HER (whoever they might be). Let's just enjoy our friendly spazzing in our home, and let others do whatever they want in theirs. It's better that way :)

  10. there are something that always make me feel uncomfortable... i wonder why minmin's twitter, she did not post her real picture but the anime of herself and puppy....if she really knows that her puppy stands for art and the food is jaksal chicken( because they are really lover)....or she just uses it cuz she thinks it's cute....

    1. i think she uses it because she thought it was cute and interesting
      we all know if she also uses the name of h_monet as a username in her twitter account

  11. Debating about couples is never gets heated really fast. This site is actually a safe haven from the rest. Have fun and enjoy the stay with that being said, I am having a little fun myself. Heheheh

    HJ: They are still debating who I am with
    SM: You are famous, everybody wants to see you with their favorite star
    HJ: I have given them hints on my ideal girl
    SM: But you have somewhat changed your answer
    HJ: Only after I met you
    SM: What have you added so far?
    HJ: You didn't read? I specifically said, she doesn't have to have double eyelids, not good at cooking. I like intelligence, short is also fine and especially she is kind.
    SM: Oh, that sounded like...
    HJ: (Smiled beautifully) That sounded just like you. Those hints are so clear. I don't think I can get any more specific than that.
    SM: How about mentioning my hair?
    HJ: No, how about I like my girl to eat like a baby piggy?
    SM: (Laugh) I'm not even sure that's a compliment.
    HJ: It is from me because you are that cute.

    1. that is sooooooo cute! but remember he said he likes ladies who drink well, but then he also said it doesn't matter as long as they are PRETTY and KIND!
      Oh, HJ, you truly are a pro at this XD

    2. are u for real?? did he say that he does not care if his gf is mono eyelid, it's ok if she's short?? omg.....unbelievable ....when was it??? and where???;;;;; when did he change his ideal type???

    3. Anon 10:10PM

      I didn't add that to my conversation because I just add a few simple stuff. He also mentioned that he doesn't go for the super model type...more like the average one. LOL. He likes her to be innocent yet sexy. He has a long list of qualifications when it comes to his ideal girl, but what I like about his list...even if it is long it's very simplistic. And if you add everything he said after Playful kiss, it's so Min. Hahhahah

  12. Anon6:51 the conversation was fun! It was something real! Could you do more please...! We are entertained., i was laughing reading it!

  13. fun! fun! anon9:59! Loving real! guys just enjoy at anon9:59.., good work!

  14. Hmmmm...OK finally know what that poll is all about. I am slow. I am going to light the mood a bit. I guess, living in a bubble is kind of fun.

    HJ: You and I didn't make the poll again
    SM: What poll?
    HJ: Something about all time favorite couple or something like that
    SM: Were you expecting for us to make it on there?
    HJ: Not really
    SM: Should look at Playful Kiss rating, we are not favored by many
    HJ: But I favor you. That's all that count. And don't forget about our international fans. The youtube special was because of them.
    SM: Yes, I was happy about that.
    HJ: They saw the real us
    SM: It's hard pretending that there's nothing between us
    HJ: I know...watching you from afar is painful.
    SM: Patience
    HJ: Good night Oh Ha Ni
    SM: I love it when you call me that.
    HJ: I know

    Good night all.

    1. Anon, you're brilliant!
      I'll be waiting for more of this.
      Love it!

    2. Nice one anon! Just continue w/ this.., so fun to read I was like reading truly the conversation of MM & KHJ!

  15. oH I posted the above conversation in a Hyunmin thread, hope it is okay. If not, just say so and I will take it down.

  16. Pk is no. 1 in 'this week rangking' & 'all times rangking' in
    really love the picture.

  17. Thanks so much for sharing the HJ-SM conversations. I really enjoyed reading it whether the content is real or not. It just made my day and night! I'll have sweet dream of the two of them. :)

    Looking forward to more! kekeke

  18. cross pendant again.....

    1. must be something precious to her :)

  19. Since it's V-Day where our lovely Min is at, I can't resist it. LOL

    HJ: I am looking forward to seeing you later tonight
    SM: Guess what? I am reading a new script. It looks promising.
    HJ: Who is the male lead?
    SM: Does it matter?
    HJ: Of course it does, who is he?
    SM: Lee Min Ho (Smiling)
    HJ: You can't be in a drama with any one as good looking as me
    SM: (Laugh) He is handsome isn't he?
    HJ: I don't like it. Any intimate moments?
    SM: It's a romance, there's going to be some
    HJ: (Sigh) I have a feeling this would happen
    SM: You don't want me to accept it?
    HJ: We talked about this before and what was my answer
    SM: You said no, but that was because it has lots of kissing scenes. But with Lee Min Ho..
    HJ: Jung So Min
    SM: Yes
    HJ: You are testing me aren't you?
    SM: He is your friend
    HJ: But it doesn't mean I want to see you kissing all my friends.
    SM: Laugh
    HJ: Pass on this one. May be the next one will be with someone less attractive
    SM: I'll see you later
    HJ: Be safe on the road, I'll see you in a few.

    1. wowow....,,,i love it alot...i always have a feeling that why minmin does not accept any drama after i got the answer...thank you alot ano 5:08, you make my day...:)

  20. hahahaha I'll see you later --> 'll see you in a few!!! LMAO... I love it!

  21. is huyn joong in korea or japan now??? anyone knows???

    1. He is in Korea. He came back a few days ago. I think his next project is going to be in June. I'm not sure.

  22. why do people still think they are together? it's been more than a year, and they both worked with other people as well. it's an honest question, I'm sure curious.

    1. why we think that they are still together??? good question?? let me answer you, we think that they are together because we love them to be together...we used every lovely moments and very interaction between them and connect them together since we fall in deep love with them from pk...and no ones can erase their love in our hearts...if they are lover in real life then that is a good thing, however,, if they aint together is not that bad.... at least they always together in our heart....

    2. why do you think they are not together? why do you think after more than a year they would not be together even having worked with other people?

    3. lol...even hj had been working with his co-star, but there were no chemistry between them...u can notice that he did not talk much,played or joked around to his co-star behind the scene like he did to minmin...and he also admitted that he was closed to our minmin right???

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. Anon 9:02

      We all would appreciate if you didn't call him that. How do you know she is sad? And if she is, how do you know he is the cause? This is a sister site of Kathy's Bench, and almost everyone here loves him a lot, so I don't think we fans would be happy to hear other Minnies talk about him like that.
      We know nothing of what is going on. We just like seeing them together.
      And even if they are together and he can't be here for her, they are both smart and know the reason behind it. You know the reason he doesn't want to marry young? Because he doesn't want to be busy like that and not be there for this family. He has his reasons.
      I love Hyunmin shippers or Minnies don't become like another shippers and fans, bashing without reason. I've seen that happen a lot, and I always hoped you guys wouldn't be like that. As a fan of his, it turns me to hear something like that from a fellow Minnie.

    6. anon 7:24, it's easy, they together or not together, it's just a difference of opinion. just having fun with imagination and spazz, may look cute and childish, but we still have a realistic mind. so, it's up to each other's minds, to think of imagination, have fun, or realistic. dissent was common, so, it's up to ^^
      love HyunMin (as couple or best friend or other) ^^

    7. Anon 9:02, don't you think we miss Minmin too? But as a shipper, you have to respect Minmin's decision. Perhaps she prefer to finish school that's not a bad thing right? And why do you call khj bad boy? he has nothing to do w/Minmin's decision. We have no control of other people's decision.

    8. i called him bad boy cuz he admitted that he liked to be a bad boy in his next drama

    9. Anon, 9:21. What? Just because he said that you think he meant in real life too? So, if he says he'll move to Mars, you think he'll actually do it???

    10. hahahah...sorry... he looks like a bad boy to mee...but i still love him..."-peace out..

    11. Yeah, I thought so!!!

  23. I wonder if someone can twit Ms. So Min's manager and ask him what's taking her so long to return to drama/movie land. We miss her and are longing for her.

    1. i doubt that he knows english, if u want to tweet him, u have to tweet in korean...

    2. We miss JSM much so tht we want to see her on our screens NOW and not a moment too soon. But we do understand that her studies keep her busy and that it is her priority.and we can not rail at her interest in the pursuit of higher of higher education. That is one quality that's admirable about her. And as an avid fan- im proud of her for that. It wouldnt have gone a miss though had her manager organised or brokered a product endorsement deal or a magazine cover while she's on a hiatus frm her TV drama so she wont be miss so much by her fan and so she would still be visible in the limelight even if how infinitisimal it is. And so i do agree with Anon 7.34- let's tweet her manager and whip his bottom so he'll be galvanise into action to do something for JSM so she'll be visible even if it's not on a TV drama..and better yet,as Anon 7.44 said, tweet it in Korean if he doesnt speak english... :)))

    3. Have u guys tweeted him?? Might as well tweet So Min directly. Really missing her. Guys update us if u have any latest news. Cheers

  24. hi you have minmin's cyworld background update??? i really want to see her back since the last time i saw her background was waiting for love...does it still the same background or it has changed??

  25. i have to say that minmin recently picture did not look like her pic in the past...somehow, i feel like her past picture was really innocent with a bright smile...nowadays, i rarely see her smiling face...she seems in love with someone, that's why it has change her innocent face to her mature face...

    1. Could it be the character in a new drama required her to be moody and sad..

  26. Anon 09:02 PM

    I find your wish of MM working with other hot boys LMH and KJJ funny. What makes you think LMH and KJJ are not busy, will have more time to be with MM and are better boys than KHJ?

    1. Hmmm, I think some people have been reading too much fanfics??? lol

  27. I love how everyone wants MM for someone. I know some here want her with Kim Soo Hyun, some with Kim Hyun Joong, some with Lee Min Ho. Lol, you could say it's cute.

    HOWEVER GETS THIS GIRL IS GOING TO BE ONE LUCKY MAN! I envy that man, because I'm a man, haha.

  28. heard that HJ went to Jeju for tv drama casting. some people saw him today in Jeju. hope he gets the part. Now I really want to see MM in drama again. Miss her so much.

    1. I also hope my partner unie jung so min ,. not from among artists, )

    2. Casting in Jeju?? or it is just a camourflage for him to go on a date... ^ ^

    3. @ anon 4:00, where did u get inf that he's in jeju for tv drama casting??

    4. Hmmmm...wonder if MM was in Jeju too?? :p If she was, then probably it was just a camouflage...hehehe

    5. my korean friend told me that she saw hj at night club in jeju on the second day of new year....she told me that he was fun to talk and play very hard...however, since she is korean born in america, therefore, her korean is so not fluently and she could not talk to him that much....( hyun joong was with all his guy friends)...i doubt minmin was there....

    6. How can that be when KHJ flew to Japan the beginning of the year? I wouldn't believe a friend's story about another person if I'm not there to see it myself. To see is to believe!

    7. nah....she saw him at jeju in korea not japan...and if u are really a fan of huyn joong ...u should not that he flew to jeju on the January 2 and they took a pic of him on the airplane.( at kathy bench)....i really believe my friend cuz she was back to korea on a week before new year...

    8. I just checked Kathy Bench's blog he left for China on Jan 3 and there's a picture of him leaving from Inchon Airport. Post a link of his picture on the plane.

    9. that's something that i dont know, i just said something that according to her since she came back to korea..maybe she saw him in jeju but not exactly the date that she said...

    10. but one thing that for sure is that he was definitely with all his guys friends and they were at the club..

    11. Not to lecture but when you use the word 'definite' it means you're for sure... now, were you there to witness this event and saw his male friends? If you say yes, then it's definite. But if you say no, then it's just hearsay!

    12. stop being so serious about be honest i did not witness him at the club but my friend did...why would she lie to me if she did not see him, and why would i lie to you guys since im a fan of him...there is nothing wrong of him being at the club with his friends since many pic of him at the club have been taken by fans...

    13. Who's being serious now? First, you give us date that your friend saw him w/his friends. Second, you claim that you saw a picture of him on the plane. I'm merely asking you questions because as a fan I care about him and I don't like people falsifying facts. So, do yourself and us a favor get the facts (pictures and all) before you say anything. No one's calling you or friend a liar.

      i dont know if that help but this girl also said that she saw hj on the new year in jeju

    15. urrl didn't work for me. got to the site but i didn't see the pics of him on the plane. oh well. thanks anyway.

    16. I think people are getting mixed up. The photos of KHJ on a plane to Jeju were from December 2 2011, not January 2 of this year. Also, the girl who was lucky to get KHJ's signature on January 1 was not in Jeju at the time.

      Anyway, this site is for Somin, right? I hope the hints she's been giving lately are about a drama in the near future! Can't wait to see her again. :)

  29. Why not??? Everyone here is voting for them to be a couple cause they are so compatible as what we seen on all the bts..

  30. She is so beautiful she deserves the best boyfriend in his life , .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  31. minmin is a type of home girl and educated girl. she rather go to tea house than clubbing...

  32. Seriously guys, what's WRONG with going clubbing? I go clubbing! Does that make me a bad person? Clubbing is a very social thing, you don't need to go there to just meet girls/guys and stuff, you go there with your friends as well. There is nothing wrong with it as long as you do nothing wrong, and from the sound of it, HJ did nothing wrong, so why the ruckus? He has already said he likes going clubbing once in a while, so what's wrong with that? He was with his friends, can't he have fun?
    I know not everyone likes clubbing, but should we really just judge a person right away on that fact? He likes drinking, so he goes to a club to drink. I like dancing, so I go to a club to dance. Are we bad people? Some people are sounded very close minded.
    Anon, I believe your friend when she says she saw him clubbing, and that he was nice to talk to. He is awkward but by no means is he a stuck-up person.
    I've read a fanccount of him clubbing with his friends, and it said he was having fun with his friends. They were a bunch of guys, and at least in that fanccount, it didn't say he had girl's hanging off of him and stuff. HJ is like TOP from Big Bang, who goes there to hang out.

    1. Side note: TOP's voice is SUPER SEXY!!! hahaha... can't resist adding that to you reply Anon 10.02PM

    2. @anon 10:02, huyn joong went to club with all his guy friends and dringking....there were no girls around him....however, after few drinks with his friends, then he would go home and talked to his secret lover or stayed over her house...wish that minmin, so she could cook and took care for him while he was drunk right??? so sweet////

  33. completely natural!!
    love her soooo much!!
