
Monday, February 27, 2012

Lovely Jung So Min in a Japanese Magazine

One Word ~~ Sexy!!!
Somin is really pretty.. isnt She??????
Very Lady LIKE!!!! 

Photo Credits to Aya Chan and Sunny Chan ^^


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  1. omo..minmin youre so sexy but the innocent is still there..

  2. OMG, I want a full body shot of the second picture. Even though the facial angle is kind of odd and doesn't show just how pretty she is, the picture is still really good. MM has grown so much since her debut *happy cries*

  3. wow the sexy love love ^_*

  4. Very sexy MM the second pic we need to see the whole body! Love it! More more!

  5. In pic 1 i like her face so much in pic 2 i like her body so hot & sexy i was eating & when i see this OMO! Our MM is really a lady & hot!

  6. her pretty and innocent looks captured my eyes and heart. :D so beautiful!

    The second picture...? Hm.. What can i say? She is so damn Sexy!! :D aww, please MinMin dont make me fall in love with you again, okay i like boys only.. Okay? Lol well this is just a feeling of fan-crush-idol heheh :D :D but, yea, everyone could see that you are gorgeous and amazing! Your dress colour brighten up your skin even more! :D you look so damn fresh and captivating as usual :D this is a matter of fact, no lies. :D :D

    I am longing for your return MinMin! :D


  7. I agree that she is very sexy in the second picture but I think she is so lean and thin...I can see the bones in her arms in the first picture, although I know that this is the trend in Korea, the thinner you are the more attractive and desirable you are...please be healthy Minmin...because we love you

  8. Hi guys .... Is that true that minmin ' s dog and hj's dog have a same trainer and same school? Or it' s a rumor again ?

    1. I guess the fans in Baidu are trying to prove that..Somehow I always ponder whether JSM rejected KHJ's advances, and JSM said "you must be joking" because of his playful character. As a results of this and also in order to gain her confidence, in most of the interviews on his ideal GF, his ideal has a similar resemblance to JSM. Even his song, I'm Your Man, also mentioned "the girl treats his sincere heart as a joke"...hmm just my thought.

    2. I'm a huge fan of Hyunmin and was just watching the PK BTS Dvd with my friend just now. Coincidentally I mentioned to my friend that from the look of it, I think KHJ had a huge crush on JSM, especially from the beginning. Then I guess it got more obvious with the later episodes and the youtube special. Perhaps JSM had mutual feelings too but hers probably developed much later.. you know since she's friendly with everyone. I don't know too...just my thoughts as well

    3. Heehee, I like your thoughts.
      As for whether JSM rejected KHJ, that's also a good thing so that they can remain friends till they are much older and is more ready for a serious relationship as both have their own career ambitions. Rather than getting serious now and can't be together always may cause a break up immaturely.

    4. Lurker from the United States. Just watched Playful Kiss and loved it so much went to watch youtube episodes, and then found myself clicking on the behind the scenes. I have watched many other korean dramas but this one and the two leads made my heart smile and remember a time when I believed that to love and be loved in return is the closest thing to heaven God gives us in this world. I am grateful to this drama for that alone.

      As for JSM and KHJ relationship, my heart is hopeful. They seem to make each other happy and happiness is a gift. I do not think that my current ipod repeat selection "I'm Your Man" is an after rejection song but more of a... you may doubt my sincerity but I am the long haul are the time passes see my actions. I think it is reaction to girl who is thoughtful,cautious and a bit unsure about the situation. But the heart will win the battle everytime, the rascal!

      Sorry for the long post. From what I have read and seen, I have to say you seem adorable and steady Jung So Min. I wish you joy in everything you do.

    5. hi dear Minnies!!! nice seeing you here! hope that all of you are doing great!

      hi louisianagirl! welcome to our humble home! hope you like it here! I just love how you described Playful Kiss and how it touched your heart! Agree that Playful Kiss sure does tugged your heart and MinMin and Hyun Joong are someone you will root for right? They are such lovely and wonderful people that you can't help but love them!

      Hope you visit here often! ^_^

      Again guys, thank you for all your love and support to MinMin and this blog! you guys are awesome! And just kindly wait for MinMin's return! ^_^

    6. I agree w/you Anon 8:10 a.m. I dont think rejection has transpired. It's obvious that they've been close since PK. JSM has said in her interview that she has trouble expressing her feelings so she may have a nonchalant demeanor towards their closeness so for me the lyrics in I'm Your Man is reassurance of his true feelings. Just my thoughts.

  9. These must be about 6 mos old pictures because if you compare it w/her latest pictures (skiing training) she's got meat in her cheeks. She probably tends to lose weight during school days due to her class schedule and homework.

  10. forgive me guys for this..Dont mind me..I'm just feel so much love today!

    Conversation of KHJ and JSM..
    KHJ: hey!you look so sexy in this second pic.
    JSM: (smile)..really!thanks!
    KHJ: but I dont like you to be that thin.
    JSM: why?you said I'm sexy.
    KHJ: yeah..but it make me feel that I'm not a good boyfriend because your losing your weight.
    JSM: (smile) your not a good boyfriend to me because your the best!
    KHJ: (smile)(hugging jsm) i love're the greatest love for me..

  11. Whoa! Unnie go to fanfics i'll subscribe! Kekeke..

  12. MM: Hey, the fans are getting close to knowing about us over the dogs pictures...
    HJ: Really?
    MM: Aren't you worried?
    HJ: may be all just coincidences
    MM: But I read their comments in the blogs and forums, they are so close in knowing the truth
    HJ: Relax, most dogs look pretty much alike
    MM: Maybe you should have given me a cat instead
    HJ: But I love dogs and don't forget it took me a long time to select just the right dog for you, it for your protection and comfort when I can't see you most of the time
    MM: That's true...
