
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

[News] Jung So Min - New Drama "STAND BY"


(We'll try to Work on Finishing the Translation after)

Jung So min New MBC DRAMA (Stand by)

Jung So Min will comeback with sitcom Stand By 
schedule to be air after High Kick 3.

Title: Stand By/스탠바이
Genre: sitcom
Episodes: 100+
Broadcast network: MBC
Broadcast period: April 2012 

Stand by is scheduled to be Broadcast on April ... after her  Drama "Playful Kiss" that was aired last 2010..

The Drama will be shoot .. Mostly in Gangwon Province.. Jung So min who grows up in a mountain village trying her best to change her fate. She'll return as a Funny and Sweet person in this drama.. 


배우 정소민이 MBC 새 일일시트콤 `스탠바이`(가제)로 안방극장에 복귀한다. 

정소민은 오는 4월 방송 예정인 `스탠바이`를 통해 브라운관에 복귀한다. 2010년 가을 종영한 `장난스런 키스` 이후 약 1년 6개월 만이다. 

극중 정소민은 인심 좋은 강원도 산골 마을에서 태어나고 자라 남을 잘 믿는 시골소녀. 상경한 뒤 각종 아르바이트를 전전하며 자수성가의 꿈을 키워가지만 심성이 착하고 사람을 잘 믿어 늘 남에게 당하는 인물이다. 

유행에도 살짝 뒤처지고 엉뚱한 소리로 주변사람들을 어리둥절하게 만들지만 특유의 친화력과 순수함으로 사람들과 쉽게 가까워진다. 

`장난스런 키스`와 `나쁜 남자`를 통해 밝고 천진난만한 캐릭터를 선보인 정소민은 "평소 시트콤이라는 장르에 관심이 많았다"며 "이 작품을 통해서 선보일 저의 엉뚱하고 코믹한 모습에 많은 기대 부탁드린다"고 전했다. 

`스탠바이`는 TV11이라는 가상의 방송국을 배경으로 직장인들의 삶과 애환을 다루는 작품. 예능PD, 작가, 아나운서 등 다양한 방송국 사람들을 통해 직장인들의 고민과 사랑을 현실감 있게 그려낼 예정이다. 

[매일경제 스타투데이 박세연 기자]


Jung So Min comeback after 1 year 6 month with sitcom Stand By

Jung So Min will comeback to small screen after 1 year 6 months with a strong, pure image in sitcom Stand By, schedule airing after High Kick 3.

In this sitcom, Jung So Min will act as "Jung So Min", a girl who was born and grow up in a mountain province of Gangwondo. Her character is very funny, innocent but always believed in others. Jung So Min go to Seoul, do many part-time job and realized her dream after that.

Jung So Min says "I have interest in genre sitcom for long time. Through this sitcom, I want to show a comedy part of myself, hope everyone will looking forward to it".

Stand By with background about the TV11 station, the story of joys and sorrows of life and work of the office workers. They are PD, writers, announcers...who work in TV11 station, the sitcom will focus to show concern of them and depict realistic love.

Translation: mijoo_pearl


  1. squeal.... of happiness.

  2. por fin estará en un drama que emoción ahora si estoy feliz

  3. u much so the best :)

  4. OMO! Am i dreaming? Is this true?! I felt like crying now! Atlast for the long wait OUR DEAR JUNG SO MIN IS BACK! Our wish are granted we are really waiting for your come back! I can't breath bout this newS super excited! We are so happy!! aigoo..., this site is really awesome! Thank you guys for updating this news makes me happy! Yey! Thnks god! MM fighting!

  5. WOW! Is this for real??? Episode 100+??? So is this a daily show? Waaaaaaah, I'm so happy! OMG, I hope this is not joke!!! Please, please, please don't pull a joke on us... we've been waiting for her for so long! waaaaaah!!!

  6. 100 plus eps wondering who is she going to be staring with?. I'm soooo happy can't wait. Haven't been watching any kdrama since playful kiss. Thank you for sharing this wonderful news!!!

  7. Same here Anon 7:11 -- I haven't watched any kdrama since PK. This is great news! And her characters name is Jung So Min. I hope some good soul will share links in Soompi. I can't wait.

  8. WHOAH! Is this for real? Do read it right? Oh god, I'm so annoying now ahahah my classmates are looking at me like i'm weird! I knew it that this lady is something! I really believe in her talent as i watched her in PK ! Worth to wait ! My classmates says whose Jung So Min and I was like a reporter today making an introduction for Jung So Min and tKe note i got their attention and they are reading this blog right now i felt more visitors would be coming on this blog! Thank u admin! I'm really a fan, i was excited bout this news than my anatomy subject today! This is really a great news! Kamsahamnida contributors for this and the translation! Thanks guys you really awesome! Mwah!

  9. Really?! Woooooow! Worth to wait! Big break for MM for sure this drama will bring her to the top coz this is long episodes 100 plus! Guys...., we've been missng her so much and now it's time to shine JUNG SO MIN! FIGHTING! So happy for your comeback couldn't wait! Hahahah!

  10. finally!!!! woot! woot! do your best minmin! at long last, our waiting is over. kampai !!!

  11. sorry but i dont understand what does sitcom mean?? is that considered as a drama as playful kiss or what is it??

  12. Anon 8:44, Sitcom means Situation Comedy. PK was romcom (romantic comedy). I'm guessing this ia a daily series since it says it'll run for 100% episodes? Unfortunately, we don't have MBC in U.S. but I guess I'll have to rely on vikki.

  13. OMG! Is This True??

    Who is Her Leading Man I Hope Jung Yong Hwa Or Kang Min Hyuk...

    i wIsh In The Philippines have MBC Channel ..

    I Want To Watch That Drama I Guess It's Very Nice,,,

  14. so far ryujin and lim siwan have been confirmed for the cast, i heard rumor that lee ki woo might be in it too. omg excited! mm fighting! you will do great and we know it!

    1. i read that siwan was offered but no confirmation yet as he's busy with equator man at the moment.

    2. Oh My!!! Lee Ki Woo???! For real?? Hopefully he'll be in it. If the big bro from flower boys ramyun shop is in it, most definitely wanna see the BTS between MinMin and him! XD

  15. it's confirmed that Ryujin is part of the cast.. he's from a thousand kisses and my sister said that he acts really good :) can't wait for this drama ! kekeke

  16. at last, the long wait is happy and excited for her comeback....

  17. 100+ episodes!!!!!
    So when will she get a break?
    Hope it's half-hourly for each episode.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Guys! Im new here! I did wTched the pk youtube earlier when my friend told me that it was a good drama & wow right away i was a fan and now i wanna watch more of Jung So Min, such a great sctress and so pretty! This blog is great as well... :)

  20. am so HAPPY for HER and for US (her fans) as well!! ^^

  21. it's good news... but seriously 100+ episodes?? is there a difference in format between the normal k drama (usually 16-20 episodes only) and sitcoms in Korea? also I noticed that her name in the sitcom is Jung So Min as well... is it a variety show?

  22. I am so HAPPY for HER and for US .haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.i am happy happy happy...lalala:-)

  23. so happy to hear this. can't wait for her comeback

  24. ok this is for some who asked about what sitcom is. A situation comedy, often shortened to SITCOM, is a genre of comedy that features characters sharing the same common environment, such as a home or workplace, accompanied with jokes as part of the dialogue. Such programs originated in radio, but today, sitcoms are found almost exclusively on television as one of its dominant narrative forms, and art forms.

    A situation comedy television program may be recorded in front of a studio audience. The effect of a live studio audience can be imitated by the use of a laugh track.

    so as for MM's new drama it is a sitcom drama that contains more than 100 episodes.

  25. ohhhhh my!!!!!! The long wait has come to an end! :D there you go MinMin! :D fonally you will return to entertain us with your innocent charm! Sitcom really suits you :D :D hehe i bet, i would have a very good laugh while watching "Stand By" :D :D

    okay all the above actors that other commentators mentioned.. Seems blurred in my mind, cos i dont know who is them hehe.. I only know kim hyun joong! Lol... Ahhh, i heard that hyun joong will cast in this drama too, lol.. Ohhh my i wish hyun joong will pair up with her again! HyunMin cant be destroyed! Hehehe

    no matter who's the person she pair up with, i dont care, as long as MinMin in it hehe :D cos, my first intention to watch "Stand By" is because of our lovely MinMin <3

    awww! Cannnnt wait!

    MinMin, hwaiting! I know your next drama will capture our heart! Love ya!


  26. sooo exciiittteeedddd!!!but where could we watch it?..i mean is it will be visible in cable?
    m so happy for you minmin...

  27. yayyy finalllyyyyy! I have seriously been visiting this website countless times just waiting for news like this to pop up about our lovely Jung So Min. Well, the wait was worth it because we get to see her new sitcom in April, which is already next month, (lets just hope they'll be translated and available on viki or something haha)!!! I am beyond happy and ecstatic she finally returns to the small screen. Congrats Jung So Min :D

  28. @Anonymous,Mar 6, 2012 04:36 AM. Did you say that KHJ will be cast in Standby too? where is this pc of news from? I'll be darn happy to see them act together again, even if KHJ is acting as a cameo in one episode only.

  29. will where can i watch this exactly as soon as it comes out? because i don't have that channel and i don't live in Korea

    1. hi anon 07:29! you can try to watch via online streaming or you can also check through sites that upload korean shows such a coz they also upload sitcoms!

      i hope that it helps! thank you for visiting the blog and please continue to support and love MinMin! ^_^
