
Monday, April 16, 2012

Jung So Min's Twitter Photo Update [April 16, 2012]

Ahhhhhhhh Minmin ah!! I wanna see your face ^^

Credits: @h_monet


  1. Is she dating Jaehyung? Because he isn't her manager anymore...

    1. Oh, is JaeHyung her cousin? I heard that but i don't know it's true or not > ?

    2. yes, i dont know that either, i heard someone said that he is not her cousin, just manager and others said he's her confused??

    3. Someone asked MM on twitter if he was her boyfriend and she said "Absolutly not. He is just my manager." And she also said that he has been there since her debut, so they are like brother and sister.
      He isn't her cousin. But I thought he wasn't her manager anymore? Maybe he is taking a break.

    4. Feel so relieved!!! Maybe he's busy with something else. Hope he'll come back to support our MinMin.
      HyunMin 4rever:X

    5. if minmin answer fans on her twitter, then why you guys dont ask her if she still contacts with hj or something between them??

    6. People asked her about HJ as well, but she didn't answer. Why would she answer like that in twitter? Its a very private question, and I think we have no right to ask her about her private life. Fans were curious about Jaehyung because he is in slot of her pictures, but to randomly ask her about HJ is really rude.
      I hope they don't do that again, especially if they suspect that something is going on. Its her life and we have no right o interfere or ask her to explain.

    7. Do you know that the media checks her twitter right? Answering anything about fellow celebrities is very dangerous, especially those concerning relationships. It's like asking for a scandal. Hope she doesn't answer anything concerning HJ. I think she is too smart to do that.

    8. MinMin looks so great! The last pic is very funny:)
      I think we fans shouldn't ask her anything related to HJ. That will cause trouble for her, especially antifans and media always look for anything to create scandal. Hope all the best for our lovely MinMin and our beloved couple:)

    9. I wondered if I contact if HJ, and will always support the two, that I even fanvid of them ... but she just tells me reponde .. thanks for your support amamarme and me ...

  2. the white dog in the second pic which is near to her is also her dog?

  3. are these all her dogs? wow....cute pics....
