
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Jung So Min is Back on Standby [May 29, 2012]

Did you Miss her? Well... i knowwww you all do Miss her.. ^^
Then you should watch her comeback at Standby.....


  1. my wishful thinking...i want this girl to be paired to kim soo hyun on his movie covertly greatness.

  2. i'm so disappointed. yesterday, she came back and i thought it's for good. but today, she's not around again. *sigh* i don't know what's happening with her. i know she was sick before but i thought she has fully recuperated already. :(

    1. My wishful thinking is that she is travelling around with someone, and more recuperating at the same time

    2. why not say it back? or about her? I'm worried I do not understand

  3. wow, pretty woman!!! what a lovely minmin...she's beautiful,smart and modest... i loved all the photos of her...thanks jeanneth for sharing... i'm imagening the lucky guy is kim hyun joong...may i know what episode is that in standby sitcom...take good care of yourself minmin...god bless you and jeanneth too...hyunmin forever.

  4. \ung min is so naturally beautiful, intelligent, kind, and also children of the rich. anyone who gets her man, he is a man who is very lucky.

  5. KHJ Interview:
    ideal type of woman "in my mind, the ideal woman should be like a friend able to get along, not having bad character and usually do not like to much makeup, with the relatively simple appearance of the natural and sincere woman . and I happy to get along with my friends. "

    is describing a minmin ...she beautiful and natural.

  6. KHJ said : if I really have a girl I like, I'd persist to the end no matter how difficult it will be. I think it is not too easy to be MM bf or husband right? with the background of MM family and MM father who's no respect with artist profession, it is not an easy to be a part of MM family. HJ , you should try your best. Finished your college and decrease your drinking habits. Hehehe

  7. Did anyone notice the printed Cross on Minmin's white T-shirt?

  8. OHH is true there is a cross painted!! not printed, someone painted!! :)


    omg!! I had not noticed, THE CROSS. HERE IS A LINK ON THIS TOPIC
