
Friday, July 6, 2012

[Official Photos] Jung So Min with Im SiWan in BTS Pics from StandBy Episode 63!

And we have StandBy BTS pics!
Aigoo, I'm torn! Hahahaha! 
I know you guys know that I'm still on the KiWoo team
but can't help myself adore SiWan especially 
when I see that he's always there for So Min!
I simply love their camaraderie! 

Below are the pics!

credited as tagged


  1. The Standby writer is copying the storyline from High kick through the roof
    it almost 90% identical.

    1. hi anonymous! thanks for visiting the blog! in regards to copying High Kick i dont really know coz i didnt watch it so i cant really compare. but i hope as Standby is still half way its episode the writers would really find it niche and heart of the story. and of course i do want for MinMin to have more great story in Standby! ^_^

  2. I like SoSi couple ! So min and Siwan .. Hahaha
    Thanks for update ! :D

  3. I am glad to see so min's lovely, pretty pictures.
    I really wish this stand by is the just like normal drama Eg: episode 16, 20 or 25, you know, it will be a lot easy for us to participate for us as we all are Jung So Min's fans.
    Now it too long and not easy to follow every single episode.
    Wishing in near future So Min get into the just drama instead of sitcom.

  4. Please....update picture minmin

    Love minjoong

  5. jung so min sponsor

  6. minmin is so cute, even when crying is beautiful.
