
Sunday, March 16, 2014

[Edited] Happy Birthday Jung So Min! (정소민) March 16, 2014)

MinMin's reply for as she knows about the
SimplySoMin Charity Birthday Project
Thank you so much MinMin!
We love you too!

Happy Birthday our dearest Jung So Min!

In line with MinMin's birthday, we from SimplySoMin decided 
to send her birthday gifts
And we were so happy that MinMin got the gifts! ^_^

And as SimplySoMin's tradition in every  birthday of
MinMin, we do share MinMin's birthday celebration 
through a charity work!

This year we decided to share MinMin's birthday
With the children from
Tahanan ng Pagmamahal

Children from Tahanan ng Pagmamahal were orphans
And some of them were temporary living in the orphanage

We decided to donate the few basics needs of the children
Like milk, diapers, canned goods, vitamins and among other things
We do thank some friends who help us out!
Especially to Mich Lui, Ate Lyn, Ate Grace
Thank you for sharing your blessings! ^_^

Hopefully those few things that we shared will come 
along way for the children

Sharing time and reaching to them doesnt only 
Give them material things 
But it also gives them hope and sense of belonging they deserve

As they say, if you are blessed then be a blessing to others!

The children from Tahanan ng Pagmamahal

The donations

But of course birthdays are never complete without birthday cakes!
These little cute cakes are just for you MinMin! 

Happy Birthday Jung So Min!
We wish you all the best! 
Happiness may always fill your heart!
We love you! ♥♡♥


Your SimplySoMin family


  1. so glorious birthday has come ... So Min beautiful to me you´are the embodiment of beauty, happiness, all the good that a human being on the face on earth can be.

    to simplysomin´s staff, you guys are incredible, really pretty good people, that love this precious girl like me, and beneficial events so pretty every birthday that you do,
    you can be sure she'll be super happy for the presents and photographs and beautiful intentions from your warm hearts,

    I wish you all the best and keep it up! Simply Somin


    my love since mexico

    p.d. sorry for my poor english

    1. Thank you for the Heartful Message Ms. Angel^_^
      Thank you for supporting our dearest Minmin as well :)

  2. Min Min will be happy for the kind-hearted SimplySomin.

    1. She is^^ Thank you Bescaca ;) for always commenting and supporting Simplysomin^_^

  3. Angel navarro and bescaca, thank you for loving MinMin. And thank you for visiting our blog. Please continue to support her especially her new drama Big Man.

    1. Hi :) Can I ask if So Min has an official facebook, twitter and instagram? Thanks!

  4. Can I ask if So Min has an official twitter, facebook, and instagram? I want to send my birthday greetings to all her accounts if ever she has. Thanks for those who'll answer!

    1. Hi !
      Min Min facebook : (it's really min min)
      Min Min Official Fb :


  5. Hi! So Min's instagram @somin_jj, twitter @monet_h ^_^

  6. this is really beautiful simplysomin admins....those children really are blessed to celebrate with MM birthday
    So min sure will be really happy for this birthday project.....

    Great work simplysomin admins......and keep the faith....
    Thx for the post OnlySomin..

    1. Thank you dear Rienhild^^
      We are happy to be able to do these things for our dear Minmin^^
      Thank you for supporting Somin^^
      and You're welcome :)

  7. Thank you admin team for the kind work you have done on behalf of So Min.

    1. Its for Minmin^^ She inspires us all right? ^_^
      Thank you for always supporting her as well :)

  8. I really admired, all the admins. of SimplySomin....
    Every b'day of Minmin... you all guys never miss, doing charitable things for the sake of Minmn's b'day ....
    * Saengil Chukha Hamnida * adorable and kindherted Minmin !!!

    Wishing you all the best in your life... God bless you... we love you forever .... ^^
    Thanks OnlySomin for the post.... more power to all Admins. and members of SimplySomin ..^^

    1. Thank you dear Shirley ^_^
      maybe nextime you can just us too^^
      thank your for supporting Minmin ;)
      thank you also for always commenting on Simplysomin ;)
