
Sunday, June 1, 2014

(Article) Big Man 빅맨 Rises Steadily in Ratings Along with Continued Awesome Scenes with Kang Ji Hwan 강지환 and Jung So Min 정소민

(Article) Big Man 빅맨 Rises Steadily in Ratings Along with Continued Awesome Scenes  with 
Kang Ji Hwan 강지환 and Jung So Min 정소민

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Big Man 빅맨 Rises Steadily in Ratings Along with Continued Awesome Scenes 
with Kang Ji Hwan 강지환 and Jung So Min 정소민

Posted on May 31, 2014 by ockoala

My love for the phenomenal acting combination of Kang Ji Hwan and Jung So Min in Big Man keeps growing and growing like the ratings of the drama itself. It’s never going to be a major hit but a drama with steadily climbing ratings likely makes the cast comforted that the audience likes it enough that more people are tuning in. KBS is doing a solid job promoting Big Man with a combination of drama stills and now it’s even held a mid-drama press conference to further drum up interest. 

I remain riveted solely for the scenes between Kang Ji Hwan’s Ji Hyuk and Jung So Min’s Jin Ah, and the JJ-couple is heating up the screens with more and more scenes that tap into their chemistry and hint at something more. Episode 9 and 10 turned the drama in a new direction with Ji Hyuk trying to go on with his life, without immediately vowing revenge, but discovering that he’s already in too deep with the crazy rich family from Hell.

 Thankfully Jin Ah broke with her nutso clan and moved out and moved in with Ji Hyuk with a giant F-you to her parents face.

I loved it and I love her, the only character aside from Ji Hyuk that says it like it is. She’s fearless and Ji Hyuk can see it without getting bogged down in her family ties. I loved their scene in episode 9 when he finds her outside his apartment and she yells that he has to take responsibility for her. He tries to send her away but when she whines that she hasn’t eaten yet, he takes her in like a stray kitten and not only feeds her but wipes her hands after she’s passed out asleep in exhaustion. 

Episode 10 ups their growing comfort with each other, with Jin Ah “cooking” for Ji Hyuk but clearly her culinary skills is nonexistent. Ji Hyuk’s buddy spits out the food but Ji Hyuk actually forces himself to swallow it and doesn’t say anything disparaging because she’s just bursting with happiness that she’s cooked good food for him. Then he notices that she’s burned herself cooking and patches her burn up with ointment and a band aid. 

Jin Ah is beaming because she thinks the band aid looks like a ring around her burned finger. Sigh, I need so little from these two to make me happy, and I’m so grateful for KBS to give me even this much.

1 comment:

  1. Same feeling with Koalas !!!
    Jin Ah and Ji Hyuk gives more excitement in the scenes.. this is the reason why i watch Big Man....^^
    Thanks Kathy for the post.
