
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

MinMin Cyworld Background!

Jung So Min uses her Cyworld to update pictures and other stuff that is related to her.
Just recently she posted her Selca pics and her Playful Kiss co-stars.

And now when you visit her Cyworld, you will she her new Background for her Cyworld.
From her old light pink with girl in Hula, now its black and white with the girl in black and white as well but with black bunny ears. Also stars were added design in it.

In my opinion, I love the new Background, it looks kinda mature but still playful because of the girl's bunny ears and the stars she used.

But, most importantly its good to know that her "status" is her Cyworld is still "Happy"

This is my screenshot of MinMin's new Cyworld Background
Added bonus that MinMin seem to upload new Selca pic!

CREDIT: jung so min in


  1. uh uh! black & white? is this the colors where hyunjoong's favorite?hehe

    hj & sm makes me confused of their own world. it seems like they had put a meaning in everything they had done. oh well, it's my optimistic opinion and even my own self would nothing to do with it hehe

  2. yups agree with you,
    include they wearing at the same finger, there so many clues that they are having a date :)

  3. they wearing a ring (edit :)

  4. yeah, i agree too! they give us a lot of hints that they are into something between them.

  5. so ... hwaaa... i will happy if it's true?? something for real happen to both?? yeah... ^0^

  6. I can't read hj & sm minds. They're really compatible to each other for being weird sometimes hihihi

  7. Yeap, why of all colours, SM choose b&w? Actually I like her pinky girlish background, suits her but now in b&w just reminds me of you-know-who...kekeke...

  8. hmm.... i just dont expect them too much now ....
    what if HJ is paired with another co-star yeah ...

    *mianhae...just being mad crazy for what happend in that MBC's night...

  9. @anoni 5:31pm. NO probs dear! HJ's fandom based will be huge around the world in different fandoms haha just kidding!

    The fate will answer of all our speculations in the future. For now, let's enjoy ourselves for our dearest couple hehe

  10. just hoping that someday HJSM really be a real couple ... :) FIGHTING!!!
