
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

MinMin Cyworld New Background!

Well, its seems like MinMin misses something or SOMEONE?!

Our dearest MinMin did change again her Cyworld background, the cute dancing bunnies can't be seen anymore but I LOVE the new background that she did put!

To know what I mean, below is the screencap of her new background!

This is the Cyworld of MinMin!
This is the GIF in her Cyworld!

I can't really control my giddiness when I did see this new background!
I would really be gladly to say goodbye to those cute dancing bunnies if this would 
be their replacement background!

But I wonder in so many scenes in Playful Kiss she did choose this particular scene.
If I would be the one to choose, nothing of course beats the Kiss-in-the-rain!
Hehehehe! Its just my spazz opinion! ^_<

credit: mijoo-pearl and snowflakesj16 of soompi
komawo pearl and snowflakes! ^_^
somin's cyworld




  1. wow she sooooooooooooooo Brave

  2. She changed her background with that? Spazz time alert!!!! Come on guys, it's just a preparation for Japan PK promotion, tehee!

    Omo, my heart is beating fast. I don't know why.... love love love it is!

  3. Jean, nothing to say but WOW.......too happy to see this new updates.....

  4. I hope KHJ will brave like JSM, can show his feelings too, don't be shy we will support both of you. For KHJ better you put honeymoon scene in your site he..he..he

  5. Wow! SM must be basking in a secret romance now and she can't hide it! SO HAPPY!!! But still I think she shouldn't give too much away and keep it low key so that they can last a long time till The Wedding Day!

  6. She said in any interview; I don;t know which is.She learns from OHN Charachter is not to hide any feeling to someone, in the past she always hide it from some1 she liked, after play OHN she would'nt to hide any feel anymore..Hmm after Her "wedding", caouple dolls.hmmm..Take it as quote and key of Min's feel now. GOTCHA
    Sorry english is'nt my native -___-

  7. awwwwwwwwww..minmin first kisssssssssssssssss

  8. Sigh ~ young love is this beautiful and what bliss from the Lord.

  9. omo! omo! omno! sooo happy! waaaah! minmin daebak! keep fighting!

  10. MinMIn is absolutelly missing for SOMEONE!! hahahahaha.... yes, she really brave latelly and I LUV IT much!! if they're real, than i really support them much.. HYUNMIN JJang!!

  11. OMO ... she put her very first KISS??? YEAh, something's going on... hahahahaha...

  12. MinMin's new cyworld background sure create alot of excitment for her fans. I'm sure everybody is very excited after seeing this. :)
    Just what is she hinting?

  13. I truely "Congratulation" to our lovely so min for meaningful chooseing for her cyworld update...
    She may has different reason for it. Who knows...
    But, as she is a main lead actress of Playful Kiss drama she has right to choose any still picture for her cyworld.
    We all know/aware that how she has been treat by...... so she just did something... I think...
    Good on you my dear Jung So Min.
    Noone can't underestimate you, hahaha....

  14. this must be special, coz why put it now, she should have put this thing during the time when it was showing in korea. anyway you're reaching 100 k, congratulations.

  15. guys! i am over the moon ( and please include MARS as well)regarding the awesomeness of the background photo in her website. Hopefully,this is not A) gimickry overload for the in-coming PK- Japan promotion and, B)a product of an over-zealous PR drive to up her profile. TO be honest, I prefer C...which is BSJ and OHN all over again!waahahhahaha!A JUBILANT MARKIII ROSE!

  16. For A)gimickry overload for PK Japan promo - this is not likely at all because not all her fans visiting her cyworld are Japanese

    B)over-zealous PR drive - this is unlikely because those who visit her cyworld are already her fans

    So it's C or the best would be
    D)They are TOGETHER!

  17. hallu what's the meaning of GIF?? so happy that finally she has come out of the open although we really dont know what's she's up to? whatever it is, it's a bold move from her!! I wander why??? did someone gave her the assurance or a go signal to declare whatever feelings they have?? Hope that someone will be man enough to admit or take some risk just like what PAPA PIOLO did if not in national TV maybe on the web ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha!! LOVE,LOVE,love,love is in the air!!

  18. must.not.analyze.

    gahh so impossible!!!


  20. OMG! MinMin you're so BRAVE! waaaah! waaaah! but it makes me REALLY happy! :)
    Keep Fighting! we will support you!

  21. woooh! the meaning of this is they are in real now??? so bravely lady...but i'm very very happy to see this for spazzing time! hahaha

  22. Woot!!!! I am so on top of the world! MinMIn is definitely missing someone! Is this for promo to increase popularity? I think not! HJL definitely does not need it and as for MinMin she will not risk the wrath of HJL jealous fans! For us, HyunMIn shippers, we are cheering! MinMin, way to go, gurl!!!Show your feelings! HyunMin..mansae!

  23. in the press conference on aug 26th khj said that in a real life minmin is his type if she likes him then he asked minmin whether she likes him hohohohp.... common khj u can do it.... :) :)

  24. @anon 9:47 really??? can u please put his statement here? kekekekkeke **was he really like minmin?? OMO....YESS!!!

  25. I really like the new background of minmin's Cyworld... but I do not know what the purpose of her new background ... does that mean shows there really something between KHJ and JSM ... if that's true ... I was The first person who would support their relationship ... I like the way minmin show her feelings .... I think KHJ should also do the same thing as minmin ... open with his feelings ... even though it probably will lead to jealousy from some KHJ fans ... but need to remember that there are many KHJ's fans who love and support hyunmin couple ... including me .... I can not wait PK promo in japan ... hyunmin bogosipo ...always love them...foreveeerrrr.....!!!!!

  26. me too, i'll b the 2nd to support them then if u're the 1st,hahaha..

    i wonder too..what's MinMin imply by put such background.. it's just 4 PK reason or SOMETHING's else?? kekeke,nan molla...

    i agree that "even though it probably will lead to jealousy from some KHJ fans ... but need to remember that there are many KHJ's fans who love and support hyunmin couple ... including me ...."

    MINMIN..DAEBAK for ur bravery!!! n HYUNMIN MANSAE!!!

  27. anon 10:15 pm,
    u can find khj statement that minmin is his ideal type of a girl/he likes minmin's type in:

    He got used to calling Minmin as "Ha Ni" during filming.Maybe on the lips he call "ha ni" but in his head it is HONEY....hehee...

  28. guys...u can visit kathy's bench blog, there is a new GIF which the scenes are wedding,honeymoon n bedscence of our couple hyunmin which is really cute... u better check it out n u will really enjoy it then will miss our hyunmin badly... :) :)

  29. Yay! More updates from our resident fairy! It's good to see her updating, even more so if it's PK related. I wouldn't be surprised if she was teasing all of us, haha, I have a feeling the girl's aware of her fanbase and our spazz prone-ness.

    I wonder why she chose that background, maybe it was the best PK one at cyworld? Sure, it makes me super giddy, but you never know. If it's HyunMin related, It's a major bonus.

    To those saying that KHJ should just go and reveal what he feels ( be it with Our Min Min or anyone), please consider his side as well. Being an idol, a growing hallyu star, and from a company like KeyEast, he does not have the luxury to do so. His fanbase is tremendous and with that come crazy fans as well. An actress even backed out of PK fearing their wrath, you can just say he should confess when not only does he need to take his career in account, but also the well being of a different party. Just look how it affected SEVEN and SHINee's JongHyun, as well as their partners.
    Not trying to be a party pooper here, but it's honest opinion from his fan. At least MM always gives us stuff to spazz about!

  30. Yeah, although we are super happy with her updates, I still think she shouldn't hint too much and just keep it as low key as possible. KHJ may be contracted to KeyEast with the condition of no girlfriends for the contract period (3 yrs?)

  31. @ Anonymous (February 8, 2011 5:29 PM):

    Thanks for the reassurance! we are just happy or better yet, happier for the amazing development of our beloved K-pop sensations , Minmin and KHJ's "THINGY"!

    PRaying for "ONE MORE TIME..."
    Cheers!-Markiii Rose!

  32. Wow!!!! Like this so much!!!! I know SooMin's new but she is soooooo gooooddd!!!!! Have perverted wish that she will be with Hyun Joong for real, because they look so good together. And the cuteness will be raised by 100%, if they really be with each other. Waaaaahhhhhh!!!!!

  33. i'm so happy reading all of this possibilities guys.. I just read about a minute ago that KHJ dated someone 5 months ago..TODAY IS JULY 28, so 5 months ago would mean on a FEBRUARY month.. the same month that our min2x.. posted pain.. and all.. I was really curious if who that lucky girl was.. my heart was really beating for our min2x.. sadly, i read sumthing about it to be CL from 2ne1.. HUHUHU.. i want HER TO BE MINMIN..
