
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Jung So Min's GORGEOUS Magazine Photos

I am not sure as to what magazine the first photo is, and I must say, she is just UBERRRR gorgeous!!! I love the aura of the photo! And the shoes???!!! Can I have it Minmin? LOL!!!!

There are many reasons why I should be envious of this girl. She is cute when she needs to be, pretty, and gorgeous too! And should I say, I am so envious she gets to have that SKINSHIP overload with my Hyun Joong???!!!



  1. woow Minmin, absolutely gorgeous !!!, you deserve having date with my hyun joong

  2. OMO!!! She's so beautiul in the first pix. So captivating......

  3. Love her hair. She's really pretty.

  4. Hi everyone!!!
    I've followed this blog for a long time... ^_^
    I'm So Min's and also a HyunMin's addict ..... LOL
    I got a new from my friend ( she's also a HyunMin's addict too) that HYUN JOONG STILL KEEPS SOMIN'S PICTURES AND HE OFTENS LOOK AT THEM.....
    I'm speechless and.... OMG ... really?????
    Somebody... If you guys have something more clear about that news... Please !!! Share in here.. Thanks^^ Love you all<3

  5. anon 12:04
    WOW.. i hope it's true ..
    btw, the picture u mean is on his phone???
    if yes .. then i think it's just photoshop edit

    BUT.. if u have another one... hmmm.... really wonder....^^
