
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Who's the best Kotoko?

Itazura na Kiss is a manga which already been adapted into an anime.
It was also adapted as a drama and now it has 3 versions already from 
Japan, Taiwan and Korea.

And now the RazorTv from Singapore is asking who is the best among
 the 3 actress that played Kotoko.
The 3 actress were Aiko Sato from Japan, Ariel Lin from Taiwan and
 Jung So Min from Korea.

Well, below is the video to find out the answer!

*Note: Can't understand what did the critics say about the 3 actress, so hopefully
 someone with a good heart can help us out for the translation. ^_^

As far as I'm concern, even though I like Ariel Lin to pieces, the runaway winner
 for being the best Kotoko would be Jung So Min.
And its not because I love her dearly but because So Min made Oh Hani aka 
Kotoko as her own.
She portrayed Kotoko so lovable and endearing!
Couldn't ask for anyone to play Kotoko but her!

Right, Minnies?



  1. Can't play youtube at my workplace computer. When I get home to watch it, I'll translate what they say here, OK?

  2. jung so min is the best kotoko, no more question

  3. it's not a manhwa te jean... it's a manga... though it's same in nature but when we refer to as manhwa it's korean made and manga for japanese work.

  4. for me somin is bodt else........
    i just luv her....

  5. For me So Min is the BEST of ya MINMIN..heart heart

  6. Jung So Min and Ariel Lin both gave wonderful performances. Each had their own interpretation of the character, gave their heart and soul to their portrayal, so hats off to both of them.

  7. JSM and Ariel Lin are good actress. love both of them. but i like JSM as Oh Ha Ni more coz it's not too dumb. that's how i like it.

  8. jung so min us the best.

  9. Hi Jean,

    OK, now that I have seen it I can tell you what were said by the two journalists.

    As you know the conclusion and winner is of course none other than our MinMin.

    They said that in episode 1, MinMin isn't pretty but as it goes on to more episodes they find that she's really very cute, natural, doesn't exaggerate in her acting and they like her alot.

    As for the Japanese actress, they said that she's very awkward looking so how can such a handsome smart guy fall for her? It is very unconvincing and makes them don't feel like watching it further.

    For Ariel Lin of Taiwan, they said she's pretty and very much like the comic character but she is too stupid. For comics or manga, characters can be very comical but for real people to act out the way like comics/manga it will become very ridiculous. The more they watch the more they feel silly watching such a overly stupid girl.

    SO, the winner is MinMin! And I think she's such a pretty adorable cutie that is such a delight to watch. The main thing is her personality and how she acted the role, nobody does it better than her. There are none Korean actress that I bother or interested at all but MinMin really make me like her very much. To me she may not be a stunning beauty but she is special, very different and she has a certain unique natural quality that nobody else has.
    She is so cute.

  10. MinMIn is the BEST!!!

  11. @anonymous 10:04, thanks you so much for your translation! it helps a lot for us to understand why they declared Minmin as the best Kotoko! And really agree with the critics! MinMin nailed it being Oh Hani!
    Again thanks for the help! please keep visiting the blog! ^_^

  12. Cukae...minmin is the best...i very like oh ha ni...minmin beautiful and cute...minmin and hani fighting !!!

  13. love u minmin....DAEBAK!!!
    arasso...and i agree that minmin in playing oh hani is not too much...

  14. I like JSM better than Ariel Lin (I haven't watched the Jap version yet). JSM was very adorable in the story. As what Ockoala said (I think I read it in that blog), JSM made a potentially irritating character so lovable. Her portayal was just enough...just the right kind of cuteness and not much stupid antics (I wanted to hit Ariel's character later in the story, hehe).
