
Monday, September 19, 2011

Jung So Min - KBS Golden Bell Challenge Dance: A Repost!

As our lovely MinMin is busy for her theater play we don't have much news 
but as we know MinMin she is really dedicating her time for rehearsals as
 she wanted to give her best to her audience! 

So for now I decided to re-post this video! 
This is the video that featured her dancing a traditional Korean dance!
This was one of the reasons why I fell in love with MinMin, 
my jaw literally dropped the first time I watched this clip! 
Seeing her dance so gracefully and beautifully I was blown away! 

Below is the clip!

I know some of you are kinda disappointed that MinMin didn't end to have the role 
for a certain drama as I know many of you were rooting for her, 
believe me when  I say that I like her to take that role as well 
but as we all know MinMin is such a smart and very  talented actress.
 MinMin knows what she's doing and she definitely knows what she wants it may take time to decide or for her to be back in the small screen 
but I'm sure MinMin is just preparing herself to be much more awesome than ever! 
That's why I'm also glad that MinMin is into theater because as we all know theater
 is a different arena when acting wise. But knowing MinMin she can definitely do it! 

So my dear Minnies don't be sad, just be proud of our MinMin because she's broadening
 her horizon and trying to learn more in the different field. 
Please support and pray for the success of her theater play!

To MinMin, we love you and will be here supporting you!
Aja Fighting MinMin!

credit: snowflakesj16 of youtube


  1. I have never expected she would take on this role, speaking of the plot of this seasonal love series! nauseating me off big time - amnesia, cancer, perplexed family ties - how cliche and fake? And please don't say that if she is casted in this production she will be safe from the ratings frolic FYI the last drama of this PD's response and ratings wise, it has devaluated as compared to the first two which had aggregated phenomenal response, not too long ago, there is a misleading news which reported his previous leading lady took on the role which turned out to be false, her recent productions has performed meritoriously, it comes to me that she is seen avoiding to be link with this crap production.
    I am pretty sure a sound performer is well aware there would be a repurcussion of this kind of storyline, audience has lose interest of the repetitive plot periodically, korean audience are not easy to pleased in this era

  2. (continued)

    I believe that Jung So Min is planning ahead of her career, with what she has, she could have and be in a much better production and as someone who study theatre and acting, she is probably knows what a good productions means and in fore-sighting what a good project is !so supporters, please do not be upset that she is not casted in this series, be glad instead =)

  3. Thank you for that insightful comment. You are right indeed! With Minmin, cliche as it may sound, the sky is the limit. So yes, as we wait for new projects in the big/small screen, let's all continue supporting her.

    Minmin, hwaiting!

  4. Well said and good analysis Unknown. MM sure knows what she wants afterall she's not the type that's after fame and fortune. There will be better offers from respectable directors who can appreciate her truly.

  5. Actually, I like the idea of Minmin working with pd hwang in roe (playful kiss pd). I love the way he directs and ability to tell a great story on screen. Most importantly, he gets Minmin. He was able to capture the essence of Minmin. Look at the following Minmin has after one year since PK ended.

  6. thanks alot with your updates appreciate your work on minmin =)if it wasn't for you i wouldnt know whats going on with minmin cause i can't speak or read korean at all also if possible can you post updates on her theater work?
