
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Playful Kiss Tokyo Fan Meeting Videos Part 1-4 with Subs!

I know all of you have watched all of the videos of the Playful Kiss Tokyo Fan Meeting
But some of us are asking for more because admit it or 
not most of us don't understand the words
So thankfully someone with a good soul shared the videos below with the subs!

Below are the videos with subs!

Biggest thanks to Kathy's Bench and Lafone for the links of the subbed videos!
It makes me all giddy once again as I watched the subbed videos!
Now I can't wait for the other parts to be subbed! 
Happy! Happy! Happy! ^_^

credits: lafone0606
yh0606 of youtube
kathy's bench


  1. how i wish they become a real couple in real world...have a special relationship more than fren or their role ohani and baek seoung the tranlations and their action ..body language or glance..make me think they really attract to each others...Hj sweet smile and glance to MM when MM talk...i dont know what to think...sometimes when thay said or give a simple and safe answers..make me thinks that they try to keep samthing from their fan what the real feeling to each other long they not annouce that they have met someone else..i still want to believe what i believe about them now..becoz i cant thinks someone else for Hj except kawaiiii when they around each others...MM plis comebck soon k...and hope both of u will have a project drama or cf together again in future..really want both of u calobrate again...wish for that...saranghae both of u Hj and MM...plis stay a good relationship fren or what ever...

  2. Anon 12:29 - I totally agree with you on this! My sentiments exactly when I watched the video...observing closely to their body language and eye contact! Forever wishing that they can be together in real life...otherwise feel a bit of a waste as they seemed to be compatible for each other. Will be disheartened if the reality is otherwise but at least hope that they will stay in contact and be good friends... Also wishing to see more of both of them in reel projects in the upcoming future... Best of love KHJ & JSM :)

  3. anon 12:56

    I'll tell you something about HJ. If he was disinterested, we wouldn't even be looking her away and smiling. He wouldn't joke around with her or smile at what she said. The 'frown' you mentioned, well, that's the exact same expression he wears whenever he is thinking. It's a given, just watch any of his other videos, he does it all the time, especially when he is trying to grasp the question. He was trying to listen to the translator behind him, because he doesn't know Japanese.

    I think they both engaged well during the interview, even more so in the second event.

  4. In a way, I am quite grateful KHJ agrees to still promote PK in Tokyo in may and august this year, despite his own packed schedule. Otherwise, we will see even less of MinMin. So even if they are not romantically linked yet, think they are still great onscreen partners! Look at all of us who still go crazy seeing them together. This pair rocks! Yes, thanks to simplysomin contributors for keeping the updates frequent despite how challenging it can be given MM's low profile.

  5. Btw how does anyone knows whether they are not romantically link? Would they give any hint such that everybody would know? They may on purpose make it such that nobody would know when they are in public or on stage before so many plus being recorded on camera. I would think that they are really a couple in real life, who can say that they are not? How do you know that they are not?

  6. I agree with anon 9:13 it doesn't matter if they admit their relationship in pubic or not. Their actions are enough evidence for their fans to spazz about them anyway. If ever they are indeed in a relationship, admitting it in public will have many risks, there would be people who would try to separate them for sure. And since JSm is still a newbie I'm sure she will be the target of the antis. I don't want that to happen. I don't want her to get hurt.

  7. 12:56 dont you think that you to harsh on khj
    as khj fan for long time i can see that khj like JSM and he so comfortable with her maybe he think of her as just Dongsaeng but just look how he look and smile at her you can see that he care a bout her
    and she also seem to like him and respect him so no need to be like that to khj he helped JSM
    a lot he was always nice to her

  8. I think everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion based on our observation. The truth is we will never know if they are or are not in a relationship unless there is confession or confirm news.

    Incidentally I was browsing KHJ on youtube and came across one during his appearance in a variety show that revealed celebrities' secrets in July... In that show his friends sort of mentioned about seeing his dates. Unfortunately I could not access the video but the comments by viewers caught my eye! So naturally some of the comments from viewers were on their curiousity on who he is dating.

    Someone mentioned that "she's the girl who loves to wear white top or dress...she's beautiful in person and multi-talented...sorry can't tell her name coz as his friend said if it will reveal now he will retire soon.." Then the next remark by this person said "she is just around the corner but people do not notice her...I believed KHJ deserved to have a woman like her who never outshine him or trying to compete with his popularity. But KHJ supports her too in a huge ways but not broadcasting it...don't worry he'll reveal soon!"

    Now....this got me very curious as well!! (sorry for the long post...)

  9. Well, as their supporters, we only wish them happiness in their personal lives. Hope they both will find the love of their life. Haha especially MinMin.coz I remember reading that she hopes to get married by 30. That's about 8 years from now.

  10. Thanks for the clip ^ ^.

    I believe that the physical minjoong I did not dream about the impossible They always look comfortable when living together.
    It was a long time, they do not work together. But what are they too close together.
    I like his eyes hyungjoong look to somin .think it is good something++
    Somin, while not even she look oppa too timid. And symptoms that kept her away.
    What I would say I believe this is a real future for the people who believe kekeke
    love and support.

    Love they skinship and smile
    minjoong fighting!!!

  11. Thank you for the sub MM is so lovely and elegant in the same time. As KHJ 's fan I was very surprise myself how much I enjoy the way they glance at each other and the way they interacted with each other. I feel butterfly in my stomuch sometime . It's so natural and feel so comfortable. However I so love Oppa-Dongsaeng relationship of this couple. It's really imply solf feeling they have toward each other. Looks at them in any picture together they really have strong chemistry as if they mean to be for each other .Really love to see them together again in any project .

    For MM I would really love to see her acting again soon she is such a talent young lady I beleive she will be a very good actress in the future.

    For Hyun Joong I'm really looking forward to seeing him in a new Drama next year.

  12. Yes, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. They might be going out, they might just be friends. But at least we know that they both care a lot for each other.

    About that KBS Secret episode, I was suspicious about that too, because the MC said the "person he is dating will feel bad", and not only did he get shy, but they also changed the topic immediately. His friend said he met 4-5 female celebrities through him, probably the ones he dated.

    About the person who commented saying that "person" is really close by, I doubt that they know who he is dating. Why? Because fans who know who he is dating will NOT by any means give hints. They respect his privacy a lot, they won't say that it's a woman who is multitalented or whatnot. It's like me saying he is dating someone who is a great dancer and very smart, and then having people believe me even though it's my own opinion.
    The fans that know, they won't say, the ones that think they know will talk, or so I think.
    Let's just enjoy their amazing friendship, or whatever it is. Looking forward to HJ's new album and MM's comeback.
    We miss you MM!

  13. hi guys! jenakaycee here! first i wanted to say thanks for visiting the blog and actively commenting! i really do appreciate it! and in regards to the HyunMin to be honest its all about prospective to me they are my ultimate OTP and nothing can change that! If they will be together in the future then my shipper heart would dance in glee but if not then its ok, as long as they are happy in their respective lives and career then so be it. I just simply love them that I'll just be here simply supporting them. For me that's what matter's most, being there for them. its just my two cents about it, hope you guys wont mind ^_^
    again thanks for visiting the blog and pls continue to wait for MM's return! love love love Minnies!

  14. I feel great that this vid shows alot of MM face.
    usually they will cut MM face.although she was the soul of PK.
    sometimes it just annoyed me.
    glad it didnt happen this time.

  15. hoping for evening session video. from the fancam, i feel that the evening session was more interesting and of course the precious dongsaeng slap.

  16. I'm also waiting for the evening session . I really hope they also have an official video of the night session as well.

  17. hello jeankaycee! thank you so much for the english subbed videos. :D i agree with you, let's just be happy for whatever they have. couple or not, i love them... as an individual and more so as a couple, if ever they'll gonna be. heheh! since no confirmation is coming from them yet, i'll treat everything as mere speculations.

  18. well KHJ or not, whoever becomes JSM's boyfriend is one lucky guy. I know u will all agree..

  19. Why is it PRIVATE :( How come? How can I view it ? Please....
