
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Jung So Min's Screencaps at PlayFul Kiss Tokyo Fan Meeting Part 2!

We have posted screencaps of MinMin from the Playful Kiss Tokyo Fan Meeting
And this time we have the screencaps from part where MinMin did sing!
So without further ado, below are the screencaps!

Wah!!! Seeing these screencaps makes me really want to see the video of MinMin singing!
And so, I thank kimhyunjoong24 for giving time to screencaps the part of MinMin 
in the Playful Kiss Fan Meeting
It warms my heart to know that they seem to like our dear Oh Hani/MinMin!
So, again Thank you! We, the Minnies do really appreciate it!
But still hoping that we can get the video where these screencaps came from!

credits: mi joo kim of FB


  1. whoa! I bet shes a sight to behold when she those ms universe contestants..haha im so irrelevant..anywayz..goodluck ms philippines! Fighting!

  2. Minmin looked so lovely and elegant in the pictures ! Makes me want to see the video of her singing badly now!!

    Minmin, please come back with a new project soon...I so miss you!

  3. those are lovely pictures..she looked shy while go girl..we misses u a i just rewatched pk over and over again cuz i miss ur quirkiness and outstanding acting..Godbless u

  4. seeing those pictures makes me wanna see d video u yoon ji
