
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Playful Kiss Video: Naturally! From PK Tokyo Fan Meeting

I know you have all seen the parts below from the Playful Kiss Tokyo Fan Meeting
But this one was clearer so I like it alot!
And MinMin is there so will still take it anytime!

Below is the video!

It's a great remedy while we wait for the video of MinMin singing!
Seeing the hug over and over again makes me feel so giddy! LOL!
I wish I can make a gif out of it! But I don't know how to make one! Hehehehe!
Well, I know in the right time we can watch the video of MinMin!

credit: coco0669 of youtube
jeanneth for the link

1 comment:

  1. KHJ hugged JSM again. Just like what he did in Osaka fan meet!!
