
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Jung So Min's Additional Pics from Seoul Fashion week S/S 2012

Got some additional pictures from the Seoul Fashion Week S/S 2012!
MinMin watching the fashion show for Suecommabonnie!

Below are the pics!

Even though in the huge crowd MinMin can really stand out!
And seeing MinMin being with the other stars/actors gives me a feeling that MinMin
really does belong there, in the spotlight!
That's why I'm so willing to wait for her return!
Because I bet her return will be DAEBAK!

MinMin, Miss you our dear princess!

credits: fish 11 of
snowflakesj16 of soompi


  1. she captures your eyes and your heart and soul

  2. me too i really miss jungsomin. she`s fresh, down to earth, stand out and fun to be with. more update from jung somin. god bless always!!!

  3. thanks for your daily update dear admin.

  4. HyunJoong revealed in the fansign just now that he'll be coming up with a drama very soon

  5. really i hope that minmin also will have a new drama soon to the owner of this blog i visit everyday this blog im a fan of so min thank you for the update always for cutie minmin but i was so curious where can i watch the evening part of the pk fm at tokyo because there is a translation here in your blog but the video is only the day show pleasssssssssssssse thank you so much

  6. hello dear admin, i agree with anon 5:01, me too i want to watch the fm in the evening session, i really hope someone has translated it already, kindly tell me where can i find the afternoon fm part 8 translation also...thank you, thank you very very much...i love you guys...keep it up...we really greatly appreciate what you have done here in this blog...keeping updates of minmin, God bless all of you always...

  7. hello~
    the afternoon session is going to be in the DVD being released this December in Japan. Hopefully someone will share with us, I'm sure they will because fans are very generous.
    MM you are so lovely~~

  8. I have shared a little about the part 8...
    After watching the kissing in the rain scenes,
    MC ask a question of KHJ, we have seen your lips is moving can you explain to the audience.
    KHJ touch his lips...and said to MC what is your question? and the MC repeat the question to him.
    KHJ because he do it with feelings...according to the director..
    MC according to the director? not to your own feelings of JSM?
    KHJ answer i think both of them...

    And the second video i shared only the important point...
    MC ask KHJ, tell to us one thing happened to the PK scenes that you can't forget JSM.
    KHJ looking around with a deep feelings and smiles, he answer IS KISS... the audience was very happy.
    And the question turn to JSM...MC how about you so min ssi can you tell to us? JSM ohmmm, but she can't continue, because KHJ answer the question for JSM it is KISS.
    MC laughed to JSM says it is also a KISS.
    KHJ says i was answered because im sure that we have the same feelings.

  9. WOW!! Excellent!! Thanks a giant lot to Anon@9:37AM!
    Can't wait for the DVD to be out and some kind soul would translate everything to English.
    This is such happy delightful into, thanks again!

  10. AH, these two (hj/sm) are driving me crazy! don't know what to think. ?:) there were these out of the blue coincidences that occur that leaves you sort of wondering, like "huh!"! i'm talking about the red & black stripe pattern somin was wearing at this fashion event. then saw the same pattern but in red & blue in hj's hangten winter collection. @_@ i had to go back and forth to make sure i was not seeing double stripes! check it out at

  11. Can someone pls tell me where can I buy fm DVD from? Thx

  12. ohhh, it was not just me that took notice of the red stripe pattern outfits. somebody at soompi oppa/dongsaeng hyunmin site made an art work of our dear couple!! :) <3 these two very much!!!

  13. Anon at 9:37,
    May we have the link for Part 8?
    I don't think it was posted. Or maybe I'm just lost, haha.
    Thank you so much!
    They both can't forget each other because of the KISS! :D

  14. hello there anon 12:31 PM, the part 8 of the afternoon session was posted but then when i tried to look at it, it can't be seen anymore, i really wish that whoever can have the dvd fm with english subs can share it with us here...thank you in advance to that person...God bless

  15. I am anon 9:37 a.m
    My resident is in Taiwan, and i was present at the time when KHJ visits here last Aug.14...
    Two tv channels holds interview for him about his ideal girl.
    I have watch this videos 2 times, But day after i can't search this videos again...
    The first is the TVBS channel, the MC given a 6 pairs girls pictures in a tv screen, but it did not clear signal...
    The questions is choose the image of your ideal girl, in every pictures pair.
    The answer is point only right side or left side which the image you like.
    I was very enjoy by watching KHJ here is very cute, is not good signals in screen...But he do a good jobs he always point his fingers of JSM image 6 times the image of minmin in BG...

    The second is SET TV...The MC gives KHJ 5 pcs. of boards girl images wthout eyes,nose,ears,and mouth....
    KHJ select the image of JSM in the PK picture,another KHJ is very cute here, The MC give only 30 seconds to put the 5 senses of the image, He put the ears, the eyes and the nose but he can't put the lips... KHJ says i can't find her lips here, He said to the MC that he use mask to cover his mouth, But i know He doing this because at that time the audience was noisy so excited.
    He said this is the face of my ideal woman.... Thanks.

  16. Hi, I'm anon 9:37 a.m
    Guys you try search in Google's
    Jung So Ming in soompi.
    Snowflakes there is two videos...
    if not search Playful kiss in Japan fanmeet Aug.02 in soompi.
    But there is no English translation.

  17. Anon 1:37 PM, JSM's picture was not even in the boards of girls images... yours eyes... you sure understand MANDARIN???

  18. Anon 1:37, thank you for sharing!

    But the thing is, in the second interview there was no picture of MM is the cut out of the girl's faces. I saw that video with translations, and they were faces of Taiwanese celebrities, and he had to pick the face, hair, eyes, nose, eyebrows, and lips that he liked. He picked everything expect lips, he said they didn't have the lips he liked.

    In the first interview you mentioned, the one where he had to choose left or right from 2 images, I haven't seen that one. Was it really MM's picture? I've never seen that video. I'd like to see the images he picked, haha.

  19. ditto with that, i would like to see the video where he made to choose if it really is mm, i doubt it if he will just honestly pick the pic coz as what other interviews he had he didn't mention that his ideal girl is mm, but all the hints of his ideal girl can be clearly seen in the characteristics of mm, i.e. eyelids, height, ok if she will not drink, intelligent, kind, etc...

  20. honestly, his ideal girl could we anyone. it could be mm, it could be some other girl. not all his descriptions fit mm. his ideal woman has always been lee hyori, that's the only name he has stuck to throughout the years. its fun to look at ideal types, but they aren't always reliable, because you dont look at ideals when you fall in love. we dont even know if they would act on their feelings if they liked each other.
    again, his ideal girl could be anyone. the one thing we do know 100% is that he likes kind woman, and he called mm KIND HEARTED :)

  21. Anon 1:37
    I watched the 2 videos that u are referring to before but sorry to say, there were no photos of Somin in there. U r right anon 9:08 they were all Taiwanese actresses/models and the photo that he keeps on choosing in the first interview that anon 1:37 mentioned is not Somin but Barbie Zhuo, the lead actress in the drama Meteor Garden, the Taiwanese version of Boys Over Flower......

  22. Okay, sorry if im wrong...
    actually the first and second videos all pictures is Taiwan actress but it's very close familiar of Minmin's image.... if the MC did not tell after KHJ choosing the pictures that this picture you choose is the one of Taiwan actress, and she's married already now.
    KHJ says ahhh...
    That is why i tell that KHJ choose minmin picture in BG.
    Because all the appearance of the image is like minmin...
    Sorry, sorry,,, because i wish that KHJ and JSM becomes a real couples in the future...

  23. anon 10:12's ok, i understand your excitement about khj and sm become a couple in real life...i presume many minjoong/hyunmin fans like that to happen but then again, we cannot dictate the two of them...let's just be happy for them long as they are happy with their personal lives ....i know we are also least we know that they become friends because of pk...

  24. Thanks to all especially anon 11:50 PM...That you can understand my situation, and thanks also for your great advice....
    Sometimes i can't control my emotions if talk about JSM and KHJ.
    All of my friends was a fans of KHJ but not of JSM...
    That's why i fell jealous if they mention that KHJ ideal girl is not JSM.

  25. hello anon 9:10 AM, you are very much welcome...well artists cannot please everyone...if all of your friends don't like jsm to be paired with khj..i guess it's fine...everybody has his/her own opinions...what we can do is to be open considerate... as long as you love and admire jsm everybody here in this blog loves her as much as you do..keep it up...hope your love for our minmin will not waver a bit...don't be discouraged of other fans saying this and know your instincts very much better than anybody else...and i believe your admiration for mm is based on strong even if fans of other artists will bash mm just be cool...don't get too emotional...we are already proud of jsm because she got the looks, talent...personality.....still grounded...God bless everyone here...

  26. In reference to Anon 1:37 posts -- the video is in Kathy Bench. It's Azio Entertainment posted on 9/14/11 -- it has 3 videos that contain 4 parts to it:

    1) Interview in video 1

    2) Psychological test in video #2 where KHJ drew 6 items on the board (one of them is candy which the MC said represents his future spouse who will be a very sweet person).

    3) Also in video #2 & #3 -- his heart's ideal type basing on the appearance of the girls in the picture. He chose Barbara Hsu right from the beginning (imo, her appearance look very similar to Min especially her look at PK wedding) but he did have trouble choosing at one point (which he said oh-oh here's the rival-lol) but eventually picked BHsu. At the end he said, he picked BHsu because she looks KIND. At beginning of this game, btw, he was asked his preference on body type: he said sexy but not contrived -- must be emitted naturally. Also, he has no criteria on petite or tall.

    4) Truth or Dare : a) outrageous thing he did when drunk (he took truth); b) recent argument on an episode (he took truth); C) NAME YOUR LOVER'S NICKNAME (he took DARE so, he had to eat bitter gourd dipped on a bitter herbal tea. (SOooo, this made me very suspicious).

    Also, there was another psychological test (same show, i believe but was not covered in this video) represents his partner in life which the MC said that it would be an equal partnership and KHJ said "yes, that seems to be correct"... so, another hmmmmmmm what are you hiding KHJ??? hahaha

    Lastly, the other video that Anon 1:37 is referring to (face w/out lips) is in Soompi Oppa/Dongsaeng thread but you'll have to backread several pages -- the screenscaps w/eng sub are posted. My opinion, it's our Min. hahaha

  27. To make it easier for your guys to find the screenscaps I was referring to above ^^ -- see page 123 of Oppa/Donseang thread in soompi. Enjoy!

    I'll try to find the other video of the 2nd psychological test that I mentioned above. I find KHJ's interview overseas intriguing. Since I don't know him that well, I don't know if he was being honest? Is he more guarded w/his interviews in SK??? (Admin, sorry to talk about this matter here but since most seems to connect the two most of the time, I hope it's okay).

  28. hahahaaaa....Thanks anon 10:39 AM in Oct.27 your given me a view.... The meaning of the feeding of the dogs, hmmmmm,
    The meaning of black and red stripe clothes of minmin....
    I think????

  29. I search about our dear minmin and i found this article - about SK N-II

  30. I search new news about our dear minmin, but i'd only found articles about our dear minmin's new THIN SEXY LEGS.I think many people appreciate minmin's thin legs that's why their are curious in her diet.. :) go minmin !!
