
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

MinMin's Cyworld Update 25Oct!

My dear Minnies sorry for the late post in regards to this one!
Our dear MinMin did update her Cyworld with a new avatar!

Below is her update!

The avatar is so adorable! MinMin being like Oh Hani and doting with her dog!
Awww such a lovely avatar! It reflects how much MinMin loves her dog!
Again such a lucky dog! ^_^

credits: mi joo kim at Facebook


  1. wow...feeding her dog..that goes to show she also learn to love dogs, hmmmm...very cutie avatar, we miss you oh hani...hope that you will be back soon..

  2. I miss MM acting on the small screen!! since she has graduated maybe she can choose her next drama~~as in, ASAP!!!

  3. MinMin is feeding the dog with Jaksal fried chicken!!! So funny!! Keke! We all know who gave her the doggy!
    Actually it should be tofu and without the dog, the words in Korean means "Do you want to eat a piece of tofu with me?"
    I wonder why MinMin put this on her Cyworld page, what's the hidden meaning?

  4. wow.. sweet.. cute.. n charming... i like it :)

    from bettrina i love you minmin

  5. Wow...very cute its a sign of caring, I was agreed @ anon 2:38 there is a hidden meaning... why Minmin put this picture.
    So excited to know, we miss you Minmin...

  6. whether MinMin also studying the language of dogs kekeke

  7. Very cute! @Anon 2.38, actually who gave the puppy to her?

  8. interesting! i noticed most korean actresses and female idols go for small cutesy dog for a pet. somin seems the opposite, as petite as she is, she choose a big breed of a dog like the lab (hehe... her dog will grow twice bigger than her ^___^). i know guys generally favor this type of dog. hmmm.. just an observation...

  9. definitely agree with you anon 7:05, a big dog for a little is really something...a unique person i guess...not go with the common fashion of actresses who have pets with small and cute dogs...just guessing someone like her for her uniqueness...that is why she is a lovable person...

  10. I agree, I always thought MM would have a kitten as a pet, I never guessed she was fond of dogs as well. And remember she showed pictures of her family dog? It was a gray terrier, a lot more fitting for a petite lady.
    But she has a labrador now, and labs are huge dogs (mostly guys get them), and I haven't really seen many women with those, haha. I've liking her uniqueness. Having a sporty dog makes her different, and we know she likes being active. I bet her dog is her personal bodyguard!
    I wonder who gave her Palpuchul...

  11. jsm loves physical sports such as soccer, running, etc... as what she used to say, she loves sports, maybe just maybe she will run with her lab when going to parks...just guessing, or do her jogging with her dog a good sight that is... if given the chance to do that with someone who loves physical sports also...they will be a very cute sight running together with their,

  12. this picture is being edit.
    the real picture in her cyworld doesnt have this.
    it only has the girls with tofu.
    dogs and the food does not exist.

  13. I know, the original picture just has the girl and the tofu, this is an edit with whatever that red thing is and the dog.

    Yeah, MM said she was sporty. I can picture her running with her her labrador. Her puppy was so young at the beginning of the year, it's huge now! I'm guessing she might have gotten it for her birthday?

  14. oh really...well still it is, anyway...i remember tofu during the fm in japan...maybe she wants to share eating the tofu with somebody...i don't know if that someone likes tofu.... but if he loves it well such a cute coincidence...

    stop related anything to hyunmin.
    its really annoying.
    just saying'

  16. Let's just respect each other's opinions. If people want to relate it to HJ, let them be, they aren't harming anyone. If no one is relating, it's fine too. It's all about personal opinion, and even though most Minnies are HyunMin fans, I'm sure it'll change in the future when she was more project.
    Let's just respect each other alright? :)

  17. that's your business if you want to be annoyed. but it's our business to ship hyunmin if that's how we feel. so mind your own business and we'll mind our own. okay?!

  18. I know.I dont mean that way to harm anyone.
    ok then ill respect ur opinion.
    @anon12:51 i just give my comment if u want to delete my comment just delete it.
    ill mind my own businees ok?
    *lets have a peace and respect in this blog*

  19. hey guys....peace to one and all....God bless everyone...

  20. Please dont fight you all..
    minnies love each other right?
    so yeah..
    Peace and love to everyone<3

  21. Yes, let's just be respectful of everyone's opinion. It's understandable that most Min's fans would relate things w/KHJ as he was her last partner in drama so, let's give them that right.

  22. Anon@ 12:02PM, do you know that most of Min's fans are KHJ's fans too? If not for him and the drama Playful Kiss who would know of her and become her fan? It's only natural and VERY logical that most fans would keep relating them together since they love them as a couple.

    Of course we have come to love Min as a talented actress with great potentials on her own and we respect and will support her always whether she is in a relationship with KHJ or not. I don't see what's wrong with both of them being good friends and keep in contact, this is also very normal social etiquette isn't it?

  23. Yes, im very,very,agree anon 2:29 PM
    And also to the others who have the same opinions...
    We come to this blog so that we can release our opinion...
    Everyone of us have a freedom to share and enjoy...
    Thanks and PEACE to Everyone.

  24. Good jobs anon 11:37 PM.... i appreciate your words, i wonder who is they man or woman???
    I become a fans of JSM because of KHJ, And i wish this two become a real couple someday...

  25. Anon at Oct 27 6:21PM,
    About MM having a lab as a pet, I'm sure you have heard that someone prefer big dogs and like the color!

  26. I have an own idea about the kitten and the dog...
    First as we know that Hj love dog even in the WGA pics we have seen it before.
    And Mm as also we know she love kitten before.
    Here we have seen that she love dog not even she sleep beside the dog...
    And Hj i have seen the picture that he sleep beside the kitten.
    The question here when it is happen?
    It is after the Pk Fm in Japan...
    Maybe this two making an exchange gift, haha...
    Now in worldpress we see HJ wearing a tiger winter coat with chocolate brown jacket have red collar haha... carrying a brown dog wearing a blue and red stripe, even he kiss the dog,it is like he miss it very much haha.....
    We go back to MM at the S/S fashion if im not wrong with the same date, wearing a black and red stripe with brown jacket...
    Actually this is only my own opinion...

  27. Anon 10:16 AM... it is good idea, But there is a little correction that is in WGM we got married pictures....
    And that is not worldpress, it is a wordpress.
    Thanks i have search also in the
    The pictures of Khj in hangteen... and it's true so meaningful...

  28. hi guys!!! I was just out in two days and it seems like we do have some misunderstanding. first, RESPECT is the most important trait should be shown here in my blog! second I have noted this before anyone and I mean anyone who disrespect the rules specially in the comment field the comments will be deleted. i hope you all guys understand that.
    i already address this before but will just repeat myself, im a hyunmin,henecian and of course a hardcore minnies and I love them both individually. I do understand where the other Minnies coming from that they want MinMin to be known for her own and not just being a screen partner of HJ. They didnt mean any negative its just that they wanted to prioritize MinMin, thats all! To the other side of the court the hyunmins/minnies cant help but to relate MinMin to HJ coz the last major project MinMin has done was with HJ. and besides they just cant help to notice the coincidences but I know they didnt mean anything wrong. Guys, understanding and respect are the key here! I hope we can all peacefully co-exist, bcoz to be honest its kinda hurts me to see the Minnies fighting over something that we can all just talk nicely! and lastly, I hope you guys would not mind, please dont mention the other ship here in the blog, the last thing I want is that they would say something about MinMin. That show/ship has nothing to do with MinMin.
    again guys, thanks for all the lvoe you shower MinMin and this blog, lets love love love okies?
