
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

PlayKiss- The Making Part 3!

Who are wishing for the Part 3 of the Making of Playful Kiss?
Raise your hand! *ME! ME! ME! LOL!
Im so happy to watch this!!!

So, without further ado, below are the Making Part 3!
Enjoy it PKissers!

Part 3.1

Part 3.2

Part 3.3

I'm smiling like a loony as I watched this Part 3 of the Making Playful Kiss!
I can't really help but smile as I see these adorable HyunMin!
Giddiness overload!! And I love it! ^_^

Credit: onlykhj of youtube

Jung So Min's GORGEOUS Magazine Photos

I am not sure as to what magazine the first photo is, and I must say, she is just UBERRRR gorgeous!!! I love the aura of the photo! And the shoes???!!! Can I have it Minmin? LOL!!!!

There are many reasons why I should be envious of this girl. She is cute when she needs to be, pretty, and gorgeous too! And should I say, I am so envious she gets to have that SKINSHIP overload with my Hyun Joong???!!!


Who's the best Kotoko?

Itazura na Kiss is a manga which already been adapted into an anime.
It was also adapted as a drama and now it has 3 versions already from 
Japan, Taiwan and Korea.

And now the RazorTv from Singapore is asking who is the best among
 the 3 actress that played Kotoko.
The 3 actress were Aiko Sato from Japan, Ariel Lin from Taiwan and
 Jung So Min from Korea.

Well, below is the video to find out the answer!

*Note: Can't understand what did the critics say about the 3 actress, so hopefully
 someone with a good heart can help us out for the translation. ^_^

As far as I'm concern, even though I like Ariel Lin to pieces, the runaway winner
 for being the best Kotoko would be Jung So Min.
And its not because I love her dearly but because So Min made Oh Hani aka 
Kotoko as her own.
She portrayed Kotoko so lovable and endearing!
Couldn't ask for anyone to play Kotoko but her!

Right, Minnies?


Jung So Min's CF -Bread & Co.

It's been so quiet in this kingdom these past few days.
so while we wait for our princess to let her presence known, I did browse for some
 of So Min's old videos especially CF videos!

And to get to see MinMin's Bread & Co. CF with Yoon Seung Ah!

Well, below is the ad and video for Bread & Co.

As MinMin can be a great endorser,
I hope that more CF would come to MinMin's way!

credits: bread & co. for the ad

MinMin's Cyworld Updates from Bad Guy Days!

MinMin do keep us updated through her Cyworld.
And we do usually post her updates here in our blog.

Well, since Bad Guy days, MinMin was always uploaded pictures of her and 
her Bad Guy co-stars but during that time this blog is not yet existing.

So to make-up for the lost time for her Cyworld Bad Guy uploads, here are few 
of MinMin's Cyworld random updates for Bad Guy!

Let's check it out Minnies! ^_^

Based on some of her Cyworld updates from Bad Guy, MinMin seem to
 have a great time filming that drama.
I do hope that MinMin will have a new drama in the near future!
We do miss you in the small screen MinMin!

credits: jungsomin's cyworld
jung so min thread in baidu