
Friday, January 27, 2012

Jung So Min in Black Dress for Playful Kiss Fan Meeting-Screencaps!

Credits: SimplySomin ^^
Somin is really Cute!!!!!! Miss her badly ~~


  1. LIKE! Their outfits complement each other nicely! <3

    1. @anon 11.21 am..yes they look pretty good in that outfits!!! they look like a newly wed wearing a couple's dress attending in their first interview as husband and wife....LOL>>> i am hoping it will come true...HyunMin...FIGHTING.....

    2. i'm with you anon

  2. Minmin absolutely look so gorgeous in this black outfit -- she's the of beauty. KHJ is handsome as always. I don't get tire watching the fm-japan video... love their interactions and joking around. :)

  3. their clothes are similar not only on stage like this,but also at part of rehearsal,at pk fanmeet osaka > they wear black,at pk fanmeet tokyo > they wear matching clothes (black-gray-white) right?I really want to see fanmeet them completely, but it seems to have harbored that desire ;(

  4. I really love her in this dress as it brings out the beauty and sensual appeal in her :) Simply gorgeous!!

  5. She is so gorgeous. She is very pretty, but I think what makes her so beautiful is her inner beauty. It breaks though and gives her a very warm and welcoming aura. I'm really so proud to be a fan of a person like her.

  6. so min really rock that little black dress!!! oh and did i say she look so damned gorgeous?!!!! sorry about that..but man she was!!!i like that it was focus on her beautiful be honest i was kinda envy with her natural pretty face..with a little make-up and all, still she looked stunning, wasn't she?hehe

  7. Totally agree w/you 8:54 p.m., she's beautiful inside and out. She has a good nature personality and that's what draws people to like her. Also, really proud to be a fan of her. I miss her on screen but content in rewatching her previous dramas, fanvids, bts videos, etc. I'm willing to wait for return and happy w/whatever decision she makes in life.

  8. Really hope jung so min will have her next project soon so that we can get over of these two. It's hard but i think we have to move on, let's just hope they are still friends, for that reason alone I will be very happy.

  9. am anxious to see her next project. hopefully she'll get cast in a good k-drama or movie soon.

  10. I'm starting to like Lee Dong Wook now and am hoping Minmin gets to partner him in a new drama.

  11. I hope she'll be cast in a Korean version of Nobuta Wo Produce or Ouran Host Club. Hana Kimi (Beautiful You)has announced its cast yet? IMO Minmin's face is very expressive and well suited to play teenage manga roles. Also, she can build on her Japanese fanbase as well through manga adaptations.

  12. Adaptation of Mei-chan no Shitsuji with Minmin having an ikemen butler is NICE too! Tee-hee ^^,

  13. leader is gaining his popularity and super successful.....only minmin is still silent....minmin fighting...:)

  14. i saw oh hani's friend is in the moon that embraces the so jealous??? why would she in that movie but not minmin??? even if mm appears in a small screen still make me happy...

    1. Yoon Seung Ah is also a talented actress. She played Min Ah beautifully in PK. BTS shows that she is also friendly with Minmin. She also appeared in Bread & Co CF together with Minmin. Minmin will make a comeback when she's ready to do so. Don't worry please.

  15. i hope that on day minmin will meet hj on a variety show or vip show...wonder how are their reaction to each other????......

    1. For sure that's fun! Khj probably says' in his mind aigoo I've kissed your lips so many times! LoL! Sounds so giddy! :)

  16. She is a simple lady but with an eye catching beauty!!! Is KHJ noticed it..LOL... i hope so... 'coz it was seen in his eyes the way he look at MinMIn...

  17. Our Minmin looked really stunning in that black dress. She is such a natural beauty. Minmin, wish you all the best and hope you'll return to the big/small screen soon in 2012! I can't wait to see you in a new project. :)

  18. hey,evrybody! i dunno if you've seen the photo of KHJ in a souvenir shop posted in Kathy's Bench but i'd really like you all to see it..the photo is very interesting and it kinda intigued me as i dont think KHJ (in my opinion only) visits those type of shops at all. UNLESS he's shopping/buying something for a special friend or a lady..that got me thinking as the type of shop he went into IS the type of shop that JSM loves to frequent-that was evident in the travel program Olive It City that she starred in last spring....i kinda put 2&2 together and started thinking maybe..,you know....he's shopping a trinket for JSM.??? hehehehe....:D oh,my poor heart is not gonna be able to take it if it's for real..hehehehehe :D

    1. @anon 11;16am..Yes i saw that...just like you i am thinking the same way...maybe he buy some gift for JSM..LOL..still hoping to see them inlove in real life.hehehe....HYUNMIN...fighting!!!!!

    2. Yes, I saw that!
      And in that picture he is looking at his phone to. Maybe he was checking to see what that person wanted? Just my imagination, haha.
      Who knows for who he was shopping. All we really know if that he is really good friends with MM.
      And that shop did remind me of MM too, because everything she went to Japan, there were always pictures of her in store like those.
      Cute isn't it :D

  19. Yeah I saw that picture too and first thing that came through my mind - is he buying this for JSM?? hehehe...can't help with the shipper's imagination going wild :p

  20. he buys japanese cat for lucky...and some other stuff...

  21. cat?!i think Minmin like cat right? :)

  22. no news about mm at all now...i desperately miss her and want to know about her life everyday...if she can tell her fan about what she doing now...really miss her in acting...somtimes i feel so frust everytime i came here and there no more news about her and her work life..i know his buzy with u will come back...i wonder if mm dont accept any offer after PK..miss u dear...plis update more about u...sad :-(

  23. Is that true? HJ bought the japanese lucky cat? I've seen the cat that Minmin looked at while she was in Japan. HJ is really something, if my fantasies are correct about the two of them still together, I'm in heaven!!! Just by reading your comments about the lucky cat...really the cat is very very lucky.
