
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Jung So Min in Red for Playful Kiss Fan Meeting-Screencaps!

To b honest I don't remember if I already posted the screencaps of MinMin singing
for the Playful Kiss Fan Meeting in Tokyo
And since we miss her so much I decided to post it!

Below are the pics!

So pretty right?
I hope we can see her pretty face more often!
I'm dying to see her again to act!

credits: playful kiss fan meeting dvd
clengskim of facebook


  1. she's pretty and cute :)

  2. is that true that minimin attend at khj's seould fan meeting??/ or it's just a rumor?? cuz i saw one of anon ask what's minmin attending at hj's concert?? but i have no clue..

    1. i'm sure it's just a rumor,it's very difficult to believe that she was at the quick to unknown and not easy to know (by us all).kekeke..i'm just kidding

  3. Maybe it's just a language understanding - could it be she was asking 'if MM attended HJ's concert?' lol still...will be on cloud 9 if she really was there :)

  4. agree, could be a language misunderstanding as well. she did attend former co-star's kim jae wook's concert though.

  5. definitely she wont attend to khj's concert because there are many problems that have happened to her since hj showed his deep affection to minmin after pk. it was hard for her to get over his antis fan until now....korean fans are just too much...after an idol being paired up with another idol at begining and make their fans happy...then their future pairing up with a different idol will be in trouble and become hatreds to their fans...i totally dislike it,if you like ur idol, you have to be happy to whoever ur idol picks right??

    1. some fans are just irrational and delusional i guess. i was reading about the breakup of the MinMin couple earlier, some fans say that it is their happiest day ever, knowing lee min ho is now single. LOL... as if lee min ho would hook up with them if he's single... XD

    2. for some reason, i was so sad to see this reality, i feel, they better not together, rather than hurt each other, i feel pity with Minmin, if it in fact, that many who hated her after PK. better if I harbored a desire she shared HJ.
      unlike in my country, not so fanatical about their idol, they even tried for matchmaking with co-star, and finally succeeded, they actually become a couple, and it makes their fans happy (their idol happy, fans would also be happy).
      for korean idol it seems to be difficult, especially when matchmaking with co-star, a lot of haters around, i wonder!

    3. now is leeteuk of superjunior and his fans since he tweeted that his ideal type is lee min jung not kang sora...

  6. hi anon07:38 - may i ask what problems did she encounter? I've not heard anything and didn't know that HJ did show his deep affection to her after PK. What did the anti fans do? Oh dear...i'm new to K-pop/drama and still don't understand why fans are so over especially with the celebrities personal/love life :(

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. dong hae, siwon, kim jae joong, won bin, and lee min ho also is available now...just kidding...

  7. Please S T O P mentioning about wgm here!!!!
    Anon 08:14PM what are you trying to do here, STOP IT!!!
    This is so childish and there's no place for such post on MM's fan blog.
    If you are a one of those who pretend and disguise as a fan here to create trouble out of jealously please GO ELSEWHERE AND OUT OF HERE THIS INSTANT!!!

    1. i think anon 08:14PM was just trying to explain about the anti-fans issue in Korea to anon 07:44PM. i don't think she means any harm. as she inferred, no matter who minmin ends up being paired with, we'll be happy with for her. minmin fighting!!! ^^,

    2. are you out of your mind???? i just explained to anon 7:44 what really happened to minmin after pk because she/he was news and wanted to know about minmin's problems. Why should i jealous of minmin since i stayed until 3am every freaking day just waiting of her new update....knowing that she's only and first korean actress that got me hooked.....however, did you really understand what i have written above??? if not, then learn more english or go back and read the comment again before making hyper-affection...that's my suggestion...peace out...

    3. Yes I think she was just trying to explain. Please don't jump at anon 08:14 or anyone else that is trying to express himself or herself. I think it's not nice to automatically assume that people making comments here are in disguise. Let's take some steps back and reflect first. Impotently let's have peace and healthy conversations here.. Love Hyunmin always :)

    4. agree with anon 9:00. just sit back and chill. read her cooment carefully to the end, anon 7:44 was just trying to explain. can see from her post that she's a minmin fan :D

  8. She's really very pretty! ^^ Hope this year will bring at least one acting opportunity for her.

  9. i think she want to finish her study first.

    1. oh no... when does the semester end in korea? she's in her final year of college this year non? when is her semester break? hope she can do some acting in drama or movie or music video during her break. miss her so much!!!

  10. oh no! what else is there? disguise? I hope this is the last time there were words that, it was very painful! if there are fans Minmin / HyunMin is incorrect, please politely advised, don't rudely, that the limitations and mutual understanding. I like this blog because of peace, but I don't like it if one is accuse. I hope this blog is really peaceful and didn't respond to a comment with the emotional. sorry if my opinion wrong, it's just my opinion. peace ^^
    to anon 8:14 and anon 8:23, I hope your reconciled. okay? peace ^^

  11. quick question on the anti-fans situation in Korea - would any actress paired up on-screen with an k-pop idol have anti-fans issue? would it be different if the lead actor is not a k-pop idol? i'm not from Korea so i'm just trying to understand. thank you :)

  12. nah, it depends.....they have to match and compliment to each others as following about their out looking and popularity. Making sure that one does not use the other one to become famous... such as kang sora (actress) and leeteuk (idol), they make a perfect couple and fans like them...lee min ho and park min young is number one couple of korean industry,,,sad they just broke up...

    1. Thank you for your explanation anon 9.37. i have better understanding now. i was asking because i was concerned whether minmin would always have issues with whomever her next pairing will be. no harm meant. also, minmin is the ONLY korean actress i've had an interest to start following, so do not know where else to post the question. sincerely apologise if this is not the correct discussion topic to do so.

  13. Hello everyone!

    Please let's keep the peace here, no fighting. Minmin wouldn't like visiting and seeing her fans arguing, now would she? Let's respect each others' opinions and be careful while voicing our own, we don't want anyone getting hurt, right? Especially our fellow fans!
    Please do not mention specific "topics", they are too sensitive, and while no one means harm, we never know how other people will take it. Let's just be careful, because this is the home for a lot of Minnies, and we are simply here to have fun!^^

    And Happy Lunar New Year to everyone! Let's hope it doesn't take our girl too long to come back, I know we all miss her like crazy! :D


    1. Aigooo!! Milo!!! I AGREE WITH YOU!!!
      i hope they will choose the right words on how they will convey what they really want to say.. and not in a sarcastic way.. that others will think that some Minnies are being rude now.. ^^

  14. can anyone tell me why can i chat in the chatting box below...

  15. Anon 09:27, you want to know about such issues please go elsewhere and ask, don't ask in MM's fan blog. It's always this sort of topics/issues that causes quarrels here. Just focus and talk about MM will do, ok?

  16. i thought it was fine to ask something that he/she is concerned since it was no harm to others...for sure we love our minmin, we only want something that's mentioning minmin as a topic...however, since there are not alot of news about our minmin and we can show our discussion and expression about minmin, so it would be fun if we add more info about other topic that somehow will connect to our minmin's topic...dont you think it will be more fun and more people to this way, fans will know that minmin is always the best in our hearts.

  17. i just saw minmin's manager updated many of his new pictures....wondering why he did not update minmin's new picture as he usually did b4...

    1. Maybe MinMin's manager is not her publicity strategist, so no pictures!

  18. The problem is not discussion, dear anon 10:12, it's that some people are more sensitive to certain topics than others, and we do not want to offend them in any way, especially since we represent MM's fandom.
    I have nothing against discussing matters that relate to MM, as long as they don't touch upon 'dangerous territories'. One of our roles as fans of this lovely girl is to protect her from unnecessary negative comments. She deserves none of them, and sometimes when fans discuss such topics in public, those who lurk at sites and aren't "fans" of that certain artist find reason to bash, or in other words "defend" their own stance. I'm sure I'm not the only one here who has seen that happen with other artists. I've been a Triple S and Kpopper for quite some time, and that even happens a lot inside the same fandom.

    I hope I'm not sounding like a prune, it's just that this place is lovely, and we definitely don't want it turning into a war zone, XD.


  19. Actually this place is just for Minmin topics if we mentioned any other artists please be careful guys, this place is not a warzone we don't need to debate or argue in here, common guys just love, love, love :)

  20. GUYS ~~ Please!!! we are Minnies ^^ No need to fight to each other !!!!

  21. This is the only blog site that I've subscribed with...I like Minmin, I think she becomes more beautiful everytime I see her pictures...I like her style, her dress and accessories. I hope I can see her in person and also KHJ...I also like them as a couple but I guess that will never happen. I'll just be content with PK and their pictures...Whatever they choose I will support.
    But I can't still go over them...I'm still in the illusion that KHJ and JSM are together but hiding it very carefully...KHJ said that himself that he is very protective of his girl and Minmin is still young but she said she plans to get married before she's 30 and she's 3years younger than KHJ so imagining someday, they will be together years after PK, when they are ready...although this is an illusion.

    1. I would like to see them as a real couple in future as well. Marriage, kids and the whole 9 yards. Hopefully the friendship that they had developed in PK would flourish into something more as time goes by. The chemistry between them is so tangible.

      p/s: They're the only other couple I'm interested in besides the Afflecks. LOL XD

    2. I have that same illusion too many times and it just won't go away :p Maybe someday...who knows...

  22. We don't really know the real score between them.But we cannot deny the fact that they can make a very good couple because their personalities compliments each other. But let us be realistic, as for me, to know that they still remain friends after filming PK is more than enough to make me happy. Since Jung So Min is very careful because of HJ's fans, I think he should be the one to reach out to JSM to be able to maintain their friendship. That's all I ask from the two of them, to remain friends..I hope my wish will be granted.

  23. Hello Playful Kiss Addict, Anon 04:30Am, Anon 05:58Am and Anon 06:50AM,

    Same like all of you, JSM and KHJ are the only Korean stars that I bother to follow and like very much. About them whether being friends or not, I'm very sure they are good friends and they do keep in contact with each other.
    Whether it will bloom into a fruitful relationship and onto marriage as a couple forever, that will depend on God. So, God willing, they will be a couple. Who knows, maybe already they are secretly, how can KHJ forget her, she's irresistibly adorable, I'm sure she must have left an indelible impression on him as no one ever.
