
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

MinMin's Random Pics from Weibo

Another day and its another to miss our dear MinMin
So doing my usual routine, done some hunting and got just few pics!
We got some pics from weibo!

For what I understand the last pic was from her school
As MinMin have a special merit last 2011 ^_^
So proud of her! 

Aigoo MinMin-ah, we really miss you!

credit as tagged


  1. the dress & bag in 1st picture remind me of PK ep 16.

    1. yeh i about to say the same, i thought that was behind the pk scene...

    2. it's the scene when oh ha ni goes on a date with seung jo but ends up making out in the car, during christmas. their last scene together in episode 16 ^^

      LOL... i've watched PK so many times already... YEARNINGGGGGGGGG for PK Season 2!!!

  2. did u guys notice that after hj made his successful concert in Yokohama, japan, then many fans from Yokohama go to this website of minmin to search for inf

    1. Really? Is that true?
      Maybe people got curious LOL It proves that we really aren't the only ones, haha

    2. yeh i got surprise since i dont know where yokohama is from...however, i was shock since i went to kathybench and saw hj's concert at yokohama japan....and i was like ok...:)

  3. well done minmin! good to know that you're doing well in your uni studies!! :D

  4. hi guys...... is that real that hj is really at mm's house???

    1. huh? where is this info from?

    2. lol false rumors.
      don't let those get to you.
      how are you supposed to know where either one is all the time? It's like wondering where one of us random commentors is, haha.
      don't take it too seriously. just go with the flow!

  5. where did you get that info? is that true ? or just a rumor.. If that's true.. i'm so happy... :D

  6. I believe it's just a rumor but still curious to know how this came about. As they there's no smoke if there's no fire.

  7. The picture below is the awards ceremony the best students of 2011. Minmin is one of the eight students Awarded by the principal with commendation and prize money.
