
Monday, February 6, 2012

(Videos) Jung So Min - Playful Kiss Fan Meet in TOKYO Night Session

For sure all you Guys.. want to watch the PKFanmeet in tokyo..
I know.. this is a bit late... but... better late than Never... Right???
How I miss them so much ~~

Thanks to Eonni Jeankaycee for the Videos.. :)
Credits: Simplysomin ^_^
Enjoy Watching Everyone :)) 
Please do not REUPLOAD ~~ Thanks ^^











  1. Me gusto verlos pero no entendi nada, please traduzcanlo, sub español o sub english. Thanks for sharing, i like it so much.HyunMinnnnnnnnnn Forever!!!!!!!!

  2. Yeay!!! FINALLY!!! The night session is online! DAEBAK!!!

    Am now Unpatiently waiting for the English subs version to be online... LOL XD

  3. there is more to this series of vids? or is this the complete parts? mostly it's khj talking...?

  4. I love that part 1 KHJ is asked what they most remember about somin and said: kiss and then asks somin and she was about to respond when interrupted hj saying kiss and continues to ensure that it is kiss. if this is not love it? . Hyunmin fighting.

    1. Hi Elaine: Thanks for sharing... but can you elaborate which part your translation is for? It's good to see their actions that goes w/the translation. Thank you!

  5. 0mo! Hopefully there will be an eng sub for this video, it would be more fun if we all understand..,thanks for sharing this video. We miss Hyunmin couple!

  6. This blog had already posted the Night Session's Translation last August:

    We just need to figure out which Part goes with which Translation... LOL, yet another jigsaw puzzle! ^^

    Maybe after we figure it out, Kathy can edit her post to include the correct Translation beneath each Part video? That would be most helpful. Thanks Kathy! ^^,

  7. hi guys....i dont know if it's just a rumor or what...but after reading one of the comment of a video on youtube really makes my of the girl saying that her uncle works for pk filming, and he told her that hj really dated minmina and they are still dating the link ....:) read to comment below the video, you will see.....

    1. I don't know anon 9:12,
      It's a YOUTUBE comment, can we really believe it? I can go and say my aunt works in Group 8 even if it isn't true.
      I think we will never know they dated/are dating unless something gets out or they hint at it. I know it's depressing to think that way, but it's realistic. It's the Korean Industry.
      lol, or maybe the only way we will find out is if they get married. Wishful thinking, they are both so young right now, specially our Minmin!

    2. @anon 9.12.... I read that comment a while back. What anon 9.28 says is correct. If not substantiated by hard evidence/ confession from either party, anyone under the sky can make a comment as such.

      Btw, even if it's true (which is not to say that it is)... it doesn't make sense that the uncle knows that they are still dating nowadays. PK filming has ended a year and a half ago. Her uncle couldn't be stalking them right??! LOL XD

    3. I rather stay realistic too guys. It's fun to spazz and stuff, but let's not forget that there is a huge possibility they are not dating. It's obvious that they really like each other though :)
      If they are dating, good for them, because it's always better to share your life with someone, especially if you have constant pressure as a celebrity. I just want them both to be happy.
      If they are not, then all I have to say is that they are a beautiful friendship, one that is hard to come by in the entertainment industry. The way they smile around each other shows that they really enjoy each other's company, that they care for each other, and I guess that's enough for me as a fan.

    4. yes ur right...but at least we know that they were dating back then according the him...

    5. @ 9:45 what a huge possibility they are not dating are u talking about??? they aint got no prove that they are not dating...

    6. anon 9:51
      We don't have proof that they are dating either. That's why the possibilities are infinite. I love them together, too, but it's my personal choice to try and stay grounded. We know little to nothing about what is going on.
      All we really know is that they are really good friends. I hope there is something more going on behind the scenes, but that's all I and most of us can do, hope.
      Let's just have fun guys! The admins just posted the PK Fm from Tokyo, and I'm having a blast watching it.
      I hope MM returns soon too!

    7. I agree with anon 9:28 & 9:38

      anyone can make such comment. but we can't just believed everything. let's just wait and hear it from HJ & MM themselves. Words coming from their own mouth are more reliable than hearing things that are not certain.

  8. better believe than not....for me, when posting your comment on youtube's normally is how you feel about that video...for me, when i comment something on youtube, it always true about feeling and my real story and rather believe cuz im so in love with huynmin even if it's real or not real but it really makes my day..

    1. I like the whole HyunMin spazz thing as I can see the potential in their relationship. However, only time will tell.

      Quoting lyrics from Jason Mraz song "Prettiest Friend":

      The moral of the story is boy loves girl
      And so on the way that it unfolds is yet to be told
      I know that I should be brave
      Even pretty can be seen by the blind
      I know that I cannot wait
      Until the day we finally learn how to find each other
      Redefining open minds
      The ending of this song should be left alone
      And so on 'cause the way it unfolds is yet to be told

      Credit: HyunMin FanVid by totfeet

    2. I think that song describes them perfectly! :)

    3. Kim Hyun Joong's answer to the question "Love is...?" makes me spazzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

      KHJ: Love is a feeling in which two counterparts like each other, isn't it? I get gooseflesh to define love. It seems to be too demonstrative and is so disgusting. A man and a woman like each other. They are in love. That's all. I dislike a kind of definition, such as 'immortal something' etc. Simply we can say love is mutual-affection.

      Taken from Kim Hyun Joong's The 1st Love Story in Bali (October 2010), uploaded by coolyclear, time 1.59.

  9. sharing blanket and massaging for leader weren't a joke....minmin fighting...

  10. I get excited about the news too...On one hand I want to jump for joy! On the other hand, I want to stay grounded... whatever it is...Hyunmin fighting!! :)

  11. this is what I like about fans of HyunMin,they try to think realistically and more confidence to the facts at eye,not too much in hope for them (HyunMin) together (although hope is always there).let us continue to love HyunMin,to love who they love,respect their privacy.we love them unconditionally, right? ^^

  12. I just hope that Minmin will someday end up marrying someone who loves, cherishes and respect her. Also that she'll be happy with her acting career and would someday do musicals, like she hopes to do! Minmin Fighting!! Hope Hyun Joong finds happiness in his life and gets married with feelings of mutual respects and love as well... I watched PK bcoz of Hyun Joong but end up caring for what happens to Minmin more! ^^,

  13. as long as they are happy, i'm ok with it. whether they end up together or remain best friend. Love HyunMin. :D

  14. Lover or platonic friends, doesn't matter, as long as they are happy and healthy. One thing for sure though, JSM is able to make him talk and joke with each other. She dared to hold his hand during the rehearsal for the FM Tokyo, to call him HJ (not "sunbae" as she deemed it's not necessary cause HJ is just like her college friends)when the first time they met for PK photoshoot. I really admired her for just being herself and not pretentious..JSM gambateh

  15. pleaseeeee, someone who can put english subtitles on all the parts... i don´t understand!! :(
    If someone does would greatly appreciate it, greetings from Ecuador

  16. I'm borrowing Totfeet's (owner of the Prettiest Friend's mv) comment in YT:

    Even if they are not lovers, I think they are best of friends. It is so obvious that they enjoy each other company, true lovers or friends are hard to come by, so fans of KHJ or JSM should respect the fact and be happy for them. ;-)

    That to me makes a lot of sense... let's just be happy for KHJ & JSM --whatever the status of their relationship. We should be thankful that they found a friend in each other to share their tears and laughter (that's what friends are for).

  17. I really miss this couple.I like the part where khj asked what his secret that only sominsan knows..and he say pass,then jsm answer he say to pass..see how minmin obey khj w/o hesitation..and same khj in their punishment..they really understand each other..

    1. LOL I agree! He said PASS really quickly! Wow HJ! Wonder what you are hiding. We already know you snore like a kitty, hahaha.

  18. miss them so it possible to see MM in HJ's MV?? kekekekke

  19. consider, jung so min and kim hyun joong ring them as similar, is that ring pairs? ^-^
