
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Jung So Min's Stand By Episode 6-My Favorite Scene!

If you haven't watch episode 6 of Stand by and you don't want to know 
or to have spoilers don't read or watch the video in this post! 

When I saw this scene I almost choked because I was laughing so hard! 
It was so funny! Its my favorite scene in Stand By as of the moment!
I re-watched this particular scene alone for almost 12 times!
A drunk So Min is a funny So Min! LOL!

To know what I'm talking about, just watch the video!

credits: lovesomin of youtube


  1. this episode really cracked me up. somin looks like a monkey climbing up a kiwoo tree. whahahah!

  2. I loved this was really funny. Hope the sitcom is doing well.......

  3. so freaking cute! I love how they joke about his height. lol, the milk and him as a tree hahahaha I'm loving this!

  4. The subs are really slowwwwwwwwwwwww *moan*... epdrama has the first episode subbed! ^^
