
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Jung So Min's Strong Heart Guesting 17Apr Screencaps!

Well as you know last night was the continuation of MinMin's guesting to Strong Heart 
and this time they have discussed about her dad!

And MinMin said that her dad opposed her being an actress and
 when they asked her to give a message to her dad MinMin can't help but cry

Awww! While watching it, can't help myself but cry too!  T.T

Minmin-ah, I hope that everything will be well with you and your dad! 
We love and will just be here for you!  ^_^

And by the way, also updated Stand By episodes
and episode 1 has subs too and the link will also be added at the 
Stand By in the blog!

Below are the screencaps from Strong Heart!

credits:  @Minnie_jeanneth


  1. I can only sympathize w/Minmin as she's only following her heart and that is her love for acting. The saying 'father knows best' is sometimes not true. If only her father is open minded w/her career choice then maybe he'll see a much happier daughter. Time heal all wounds as they say. I just wish people wouldn't judge her too harshly. Love you Minmin, my heart goes to you.

  2. to be honest, i havent watch any episodes of heartstring, but i always want to watch it, but too bad there is always something that prevent me from watching. And when i saw these pictures, i was mesmerized by her beauty, and the last thing that captured me was, why the last pic minmin seemed like crying? What topic that touched her heart and she end up crying? Please tell me, i am curious. It hurts to see her tears :(

    p/s: i always love you MinMin <3

    1. she left a video message to her dad and got emotional, so she started crying.

  3. lololol, why did i typed he
    artstring instead of strong heart? Aigooo... Lol too much error. Lol.

  4. worried so much nitizen will talk like mm try to get a shympaty from others...why must mm told everything about her dad story in media...something i thinks it not good...whatever its is dont told everything about ur personal life in sometime can make bad news about it...i dont want her to get stress...just go and see u dad...ask forgiveness and try to make him believe that u are serius in what u choose...afterall...he miss u so much i think...u only one her daughter...ahhh...9 years dont talk to ur father...u are really strong mm to stay apart and dont talk to him...sad and pity girl...hope u and ur father will b better in future..parents are only one...dont regret when u need him he's gone...

    1. yeah, am worried too that she might be misunderstood by netizens considering she's always in the news lately. they might think that she's trying to get media attention especially now she has an ongoing sitcom. hope everything ends up well with her family.

    2. AGREE...nitizen just wait one mistake form her to bash her...i really dont know why they not liking mm...i dont thinks she doing wrong...

    3. i agree... minmin should have not publicized her personal matters. it's okey to tell that her dad is against her chosen path, period. but to give much more details to it will only attract her bashers who are just waiting for her one false move. i hope minmin and her father will soon reconcile. life is short to hold grudges.

  5. please give me link strong heart ep 126?

