
Friday, January 7, 2011

The "Fancam" of HyunMin?

Did somebody ask for the video where some of our spazz worthy pictures came from?
Raise your hand if you did!
(Me, raising both hands! hehehehe!)

Well, Milo from soompi did some digging and viola! The video was from rivericecool!
At first you will only see Hyun Joong but at about 4:00 you will see MinMin and their "intertaction".

Hope you spot it HyunMins!

I hope there's more to come!!!

credits: milo of soompi, rivericecool


  1. wooooooohoho so this is it!!! that i've waiting for. sigh, sometimes fancam really bias haha. hmmmm continue to spazz now heeeeh

    thank you pretty blogger for all the updates!

  2. another part (Sarah&Blue pics) can't be found...i saw the vid on YT but no part HJ n SM interact. maybe there's another vid.

  3. @4:06 Seems like he open the h20 bottle cap for jsm. More videos please!

  4. Anon 9:44
    actually So Min open it herself

  5. i thought too khj open the cap of bottled water for jsm. i'm happy to see this couple again interact to each other. sorry khj, i thought you ignore jsm totally.

  6. HJ was the only the person who got that table earliest. If I were him, I will not be confortable.
    But he has many experience, as he did attend so many events and parties so far.
    I did notice from above video:
    1. HJ did not know JSM and LTS left, and when he turn to their side no one there and he started to look around, HAHAHA HJ....
    2. When both come back,HJ gave wonderful smile to LTS and quick look to JSM as she was walking attractively and going sit next to him again
    3. And then SM talked to LTS with her beautiful cuty smile, HJ was listening and talked with so min too, but very short time about 2 to 3 seconds. Then he turned his head opposite to SM and looked away.
    At that time he was acting BSJ again. But I am glad that JSM was not acting OHN at all.SIGHT.

  7. @Anonymous 6:42pm This was when LTS and JSM presented an award and HJL was left on the table. They returned after presenting the award.

  8. kekekeke ... just can't help when HJL looks surprised he just left by JSM-LTS, wonder what he's thinking when they(TS-SM) presented the award..

  9. I still can't believe that our So Min didn't get to win the Best New Comer Award!!!
    How can MBS be so cruel to her? When they can be so generous to give 2 awards for both Best New Comer Female Actress, SM don't even stand a chance? How can it be? As if she don't deserve it at all? And the two winners don't seem to be new comers at all!!
    I read that most Korean actors/actresses/singers have to compromise in order to get opportunities in their career, so I wonder could it So Min turned down dinner dates with the Big Boss of MBS or some big producer like even going to bed with them?!
    Well, if that was so, then I'm SO mighty proud of our So Min because she won't want to win any awards by selling her body and soul!!!

  10. Anony 3:33pm, your comment is so strong. I mean really good. I was thinking about it too. Why our so min missed the award? If MBC won't give the award to the drama which got low rating and then why LTS got new comer award.... SIGHT.....
    Today I was watching KBS award and I was wishing PK did air form KBS. (I was suprise that KBS gave Best Couple Award for more than 2 couples I cannot believe it, it was really fan to see them on stage.) It PK with KBS HJ and SM won't miss awards from Playful Kiss.
    KBS award events was much more fun to watch compareed to MBC, including co-stars interaction were very lovey, I am envy for their fans.

    I really want to know So Min's daily latest news. Can't wait to see her new project. Hopefully, her new project or drama will not be from MBC.
    I wish I live in Korea and I can stalk her around and post to this blog....HAHAHA.... LOL....

  11. There are two BIG disappointments that are really disturbing, that is 1) The Taiwan PK promo trip cancellation and 2) They didn't win the Best couple award! (I think the won but MBS don't want to give it to them)
    MBS really is bullying So Min just because she's an unknown newbie and don't even give her a chance of exposure. Glad that our So Min isn't bothered, after all it is just a TV station's award which doesn't hold much significance to her life and career goal.
    I think that just like the drama PK, if BSJ/KHJ lose JSM/OHN it is his lost whereas JSM/OHN without BSJ/KHJ she can still live happily.

  12. yess.. the three last anonymouses comments are sooooooooo strong ..and I LIKE IT!! mee too, I JUST STILL CAN BELIEVE THAT JUNG SO MIN IS MISSED THE AWARD BUT LTS GOT IT,.. FOR ME.. IT'S REALLY REALLY UNFAIR AND I REALLY GOT MAD FOR IT!!!

    even so, it's over now... we can do nothing .. and if that the case like just @anon 3:33 said, WOOWW... THAT will be so much better for SO MIN for not winning that bully award but her talent isx never gone and quick or not.. people will recognize her with their heart .. JUNG SO MIN figHTing!!!!!!!

  13. me too! i Hate the MBC judges!! HYUNMIN COUPLE still the best couple for me!

    Fighting MinMin!
    Congrats from winning in the last 2011 Asia Model Festival!! :)

  14. MinMin is an awesome actress. If you re-watched PK again and again, you will realize how good her expression were. Fun, loving, cute, angry, sad..all of it! She is also natural as OHN. She will someday be a top rated Korean actress, I am sure. She is still young and will have plenty of opportunities to win awards, only maybe not with HJL! Yes, PK and HyunMin remains my top Kdrama and couple still!
