
Saturday, January 8, 2011

MinMin for Playful Kiss Fan Meeting

As we know, Playful Kiss will be shown in Japan so they did air the Fan Meeting for 1 full hour.
But as of the moment we do have the pictures of that said Fan Meeting but this time the focus would be for Jung So Min.

These pictures were captures of MinMin's interview segment. 
And you can clearly how sweet and shy MinMin is.

Below are the pictures of MinMin in that Fan Meeting.

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I think MinMin was bit nervous during this interview,
I don't know why? Hmmmm!

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MinMin are you asking the permission of Hyun Joong before answering?
We yo?

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MinMin's shy laughter!

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They said in this part MinMin was asked regarding the Kiss...

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Can't answer the question directly MinMin?
Awwww, our MinMin was shy about the kiss!

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So cute to be utterly shy!

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MinMin pass up her shyness and just laugh about the kiss questions!
The lady can't even look directly to the host!

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She mentioned that the Kissing scenes were done without NG's
But we do wonder how many times did you and Hyun Joong practice?
I think the number of practice was the most spazz worthy!
Just saying!

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This was her reaction was Hyun Joong were asked about the how many times they have kissed.
Hyun Joong answered too many to count but I think MinMin remember it well.
MinMin, can we ask you instead?

I love to see the whole video the Fan Meeting. 
Hopefully somebody can upload and hopefully give us links!

credits: mijoong of soompi, onlykhj


  1. hi

    just to remind...i don't think u should mention the station tv coz they will hunt you down and they will remove the vid. ok that's all.

  2. This is when you wish you know both Korean and Japanese languages to understand what's going on. Well, we will just hope some kind soul would do a English subbed for us. Can't wait to know what she said, must be very important for Minjoong shippers.

  3. awwww .... she look extremely shy .... wkwkkkkk ....

  4. so she did remember of how many kisses they had! it's mean that khj knews he was the first guy kissed so min.

  5. i think so .. that's wahy kissed So Min is left impression for him much..

    hmm...lemme think that the 1rt kiss is maybe the memorable sweet kiss in the rain, seems that the kiss is the rain is the first real kiss for them ... AWwwwwww... LOL

  6. Thanks so so much for posting for above fan meeting focus on so min video and pictures,because I have never seen only focus on JSM yet.
    She was so shy. Poor sm, in front of thounsands people to answer the question from the stage like that won't be easy for her as a new actress. But hj was very luck that he got to kiss the very pretty cuty girl who does not have relationship yet(at that time).
    I miss Pk so so much. I will never sick of Playful Kiss.
    I wish this bolg will not have any problem with TV station, hopefully it will be OK. This is only fan blog I found for JSM so far. Please, be kind to us.

  7. looks like so min still wearing the wedding ring... aigoo... looks like she enjoys being Mrs. Baek seung jo

  8. wow! this vid is awesome! thank you for posting. i saw another FM vid but few exposure for so min. i miss her as oh hani. she's looks innocent as always.

  9. yess!!! agree!! she's so shy to answer such questions..hahahaha,the MC was really naughty but i like it!!! how's HJL reaction?? (that time)

  10. in bellow link u can see khj stick out his tounge to jsm. what do u think about it guys....hehehehe
