
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Jung So Min Translated Interview

Since we don't have too much news nowadays from MinMin, so if the is anything related to her we would gladly welcome it. People from Soompi did share some of MinMin's translated interview so its time to read Minnies!

This is a re-post from Soompi from Jung So Min thread.

From: tlbpc post

Snowflakesj16 has this article from a China magazine and  I have it translated here

She Is This Beautiful

When I know that I have been successfully admitted with no. 1 results,  I really was so happy like I have won the whole world,  I have never thought that I could,  I was so excited because actually I thought I would be the last, now I still think that I am just lucky.

In the midst of multiple rivalries, what have you shown?

Was my performance better than the others? Actually I am not sure.  One thing special was that I performed mostly different dance skills, jazz etc to show my physical capabilities but these are of no help to acting.  Because I learned dancing from young so the focus is mostly physical. I not only show my skill but I used the movements to make up a little story with a plot.

Why the sudden change, since you have been learning dancing for so long?

To help my dancing, I have started to take up acting lessons and have since been indecisive between acting and dancing.  A teacher advised me to go and try admitting into Seoul Arts University and it was as if I have been waiting for someone to tell me just that thus I have the courage to go and try.

Are your parents very much against it?

First of all I told my mother, actually she was very against my taking up dancing but after years of arguing finally she let me, until the admission letter was received I still hide this from my father. When I told him he was still very angry, there was a time he did not talk to me but when the letter came that it’s a scholarship, he somehow has changed his mind.  Haha! It was like starting to be more trusting.

What fascination do you think an actor has?

Ah, now then I realized that the real appeal is acting.  Often after watching someone’s acting skill I would be very touched, so comparing the actors, the skill is more fascinating.

Ever try imitating any particular character?

No, imitating would seem like I am unable to find my own character, though there are many actors I respect.  Now no matter which area of performing, it is still in the foundation stage, till I have reach a better level, I would consider adding other kind of work but I think I can’t start too early in following any actor.

What special talent do you think you have?

I have never think of how good I am rather I keep asking myself whether have I done very well, it is like there’s no end to it, that’s why I am so anxious but such character is born naturally.

Continue on the Road with No Regrets

Everybody think that you look very young, born in 1989 is really young.  No matter where you should be the youngest, do you feel as pressured over this?

Being youngest is good! Actually I don’t know how to treat those younger than me, being a busybody so I am the sort that likes to take care of everybody at the same time I am afraid that this will cause others to feel burdensome, so I usually give up doing that.

Heard that your ideal type is Gu Da Seung of “Cinderalla’s Sister”?

That’s correct, instead of saying he is my ideal type I would rather say most recently he is the most handsome person.
(Translator’s note:  “handsome” here is not referring to good looks but rather how suave and excellent one carries himself as well as good personality)

If your boyfriend is this type would be ideal, have you thought about this before?

It is of no use even if I think about it because the moment I like someone, I would neglect everything else.

Heard from many that you are honest and mature.

I didn’t know till I heard from many and have gotten used to it, I am very steady especially during interview, what I said seem so too.

You have become one who is the attraction where ever you go now, do you find this tiresome?

I have thought about this sometimes like why must I do this and was it so important?  My daily life is most important isn’t it?  There is absolutely no reason to interfere my life and ought to pursue other things but I found that ultimately whether good or bad it has begin to follow me. That’s why I have to control my moods so as not to stress myself too much.

Normally what do you do to have fun?

I would call my friends home to chat.  When I am alone I like to learn something like swimming, singing etc, after all I can’t just sit there quietly.

You seem to have your future plans well specified.

As an actor, I just hope to go on the road with no regrets.  If having to please others to gain audience favor then I would feel like I have gained nothing. If I have determined to make an unbelievable choice and also to try acting a difficult role with a skill that would give me a wonderful feeling, I won’t bother what others think just as long as I don’t regret, I will continue to go on and that would be fine.

Well, there you have it. Basing on her interview you can really see the So Min did have a great head above her shoulders. A young a lady armed with determination, honestly and essence of hard work! I'm loviung this girl more and more!

We hope to hear more from her! The Minnies loves you MinMin!

credits: snowflakesj16 of soompi and for the interview scans
tlbpc for the translations



  1. Wow!!!...what a great lady...all her answers are full of sense and I can say that she's really being her I get to know So Min more, I'm loving and admiring her a lot. =)


  3. "Heard that your ideal type is Gu Da Seung of “Cinderalla’s Sister”?

    That’s correct, instead of saying he is my ideal type I would rather say most recently he is the most handsome person."

    nugu seyo???

  4. "As an actor, I just hope to go on the road with no regrets. If having to please others to gain audience favor then I would feel like I have gained nothing. If I have determined to make an unbelievable choice and also to try acting a difficult role with a skill that would give me a wonderful feeling, I won’t bother what others think just as long as I don’t regret, I will continue to go on and that would be fine."

    hmm....good answer ..LIKE THIS MUCH... means that MINMIN really has her taste *confused to say .. hehehe

  5. Learn swimming and singing?!
    Min Min, I know just the right person to go to, haha.

  6. nice interview, she seems be strong-willed.

  7. Thanks Jean for posting our belove So Min interview.
    Could u pls tell us when did she do this interview?

    I am proud of So Min. Wishing her all the best in 2011 with full of hapiness.
    I like what she said about relationship.The moment she in love, she will ignore anything..... hahaha....
    So good so min,you are the best because LOVE is something you/anybody cannot control.

  8. Wow... she is a clever and Strong-willed young lady. she really knows what she wants. You go-go girl!

  9. oh her ideal type is definitely not my prince khj..who is Gu Da Seung? she's smart girl when in terms of answering questions. love her!

  10. Her ideal type is Gu Dae Seung is played by Kim Kap-Su, a 53 year old actor. Gu Dae Sung is a character in Cinderella's sister. I think he's handsome inside and out. It's a safe answer because it's like she's looking at a father figure. Gu Dae Seung is the kindest character I watched in a drama!

    Most of you mentioned that she's really strong-willed. That's her strength like Oh Ha Ni. But she's a rational Oh Ha Ni though.

    "Being youngest is good! Actually I don’t know how to treat those younger than me, being a busybody so I am the sort that likes to take care of everybody at the same time I am afraid that this will cause others to feel burdensome, so I usually give up doing that."-- Oh she's really a caring lady. KHJ better make a move as fast as you can LOL

  11. she's so gooooodd.... ^^d

  12. I like her so much. she never fails to make me smile when i see her.

  13. I like how she answer every question and it's so SM style which is her personality. I am glad to know that she's so smart and steady.
