
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

HyunMin Fanvid: Save Me!

Its been a while since I posted something HyunMin related
And since its a very important day for both MinMin and Hyun Joong
For MinMin its her graduation and for Hyun Joong its his 2nd album release!
So think its fitting to celebrate it with a MV!

Below is the video!

As we celebrate two occasions today for our dear HyunMin
It makes me so happy! ^_^
To my dear MinMin and Hyun Joong, congratulations! 
Both of you really work hard and did your best!
I can only wish best for both of you!
Will pray for your success and happiness!
We are just here for both of you!
We love you dearly!

credit caritodrew of youtube


  1. congratulations to hyunmin couple....keep up the good work...we are very proud of you,

  2. Didn't realize the significance of today's date for our Minjoong/Hyunmin couple! Congratulations to the both of them and wishing them more great success !! :)

  3. Congratulations to our cute lovable couple!
    All the best and success for all your endeavours, MinMin with her acting and Hyun Joong with his singing!

  4. congrats hyunmin, hope to see you both soon in another drama, hopefully, you deserve another show, i wish producers give you another chance to be together in another drama, with another plot, of course, we're waiting for your comeback hyunmin, fighting!!!

  5. Wow, I didn't realize that. Happy for the both of them.

    I wonder if she will be checking out his new album? Hmm... Will he give her a copy? LOL

  6. think too much..... lol ....
