
Monday, October 10, 2011

MinMin's Pic with a Fan at So Seol Heon Play!

OMG!! This fan is surely lucky!!!
She got a picture with MinMin as she watched So Seol Heon!
Thank you to my dear friend Pearl for sharing, the HyunMin thread 
of Baidu for posting this to baidu and of course to the fan thank you so much! 
You guys are truly the best!

See for yourself my dear Minnies!

The pic was edited to protect the identity of the fan!
We didn't in any way wanted to disrespect her
but we do thank her for sharing!

Just cropped the original pic so we can see MinMin better!

So happy to see even just a picture of MinMin from her play!
And I'm still amaze how she gets lovelier as the day passes by!
She looks so good in hanbok!
Truly her beauty is timeless!
But I wish we could see more pictures from her play!
So we can get a glimpse of the theater play!
Here's hoping for more!

To MinMin, really love to see more of you!
Take care of yourself always!
And we are just here for you no matter what!
We love you!

credits: hyunmin thread at baidu
mi joo kim of FB
and to the fan of MinMin 


  1. Pretty! Looks good in white.

  2. shes more prettier then,mm were missing you so much!thanks for updating your cy world,and congratz you truly deserves what you to be come,a succesful young lady,a lucky one....


  4. So happy to see MinMin. Hope she will announce her next project very soon. Miss her performance so much. She inspires so many with her roles in BG and PK. We need to see her again, and very soon. Hahaha.

  5. you are same angel.i love youuuuu

  6. She is always pretty and charming, only become prettier by days..:)..Congrats So Min-si!Stay healthy and just be yourself as we know you..:).Congrats on your graduation also and if you feel comfortable sharing your graduation pic although only a pic, PLEASE DO SO!Will make every of us fans happy..:p..GBU So Min-si.

    Note: Admins, just a suggestion that already might be planned by you, why not we send So Min a congratulations card greeting for her graduation?

  7. hi anon 7:53am, in regards to gifts or greeting card, we already send something for MinMin in time for her graduation I just really hope that she got it already. ^_^
    thank you all guys for visiting the blog and supporting MinMin!

  8. Hi Jean,

    I was the anon 7.53AM..Thanks for the info..happy for her..*_^..well, i am one of her/hyunmin fans and almost everyday visiting your blog..just keep this blog positive and happily spazzing yet grounded.

  9. Hmmm... bottom picture -- definitely not posing w/the fan instead w/a taller person w/dark jacket/coat... could it be him??? hahaha just spazzing (and hoping it's him)

  10. anon 1.48PM,

    it's the fan's hair..that's why it is black..

  11. Jung So Min i hope you treat me like that or better when i meet you

  12. alan, read your post and wouldn't help but say that you sure sound very eerie, creepy and much like a perverted DOM which we SoMin fans will die to protect her from. Want her to hear your voice?! If you want to carry on here then for goodness sake fix your mindset first.

  13. Agree with Anon @10:40PM, I have been meaning to comment on him for some time but didn't want to be rude but reading some of his posts he doesn't seem like a person with a "sound" mind.

    Hope alan would do some self-examination and please don't scare us and our MinMin with your creepiness.

    We are very protective of her.

  14. Congratulations MinMin on your graduation!
    Well done and keep it up!
    Love ya!

  15. Yes, Alan, please refrain from your creepy obsession with MinMin. It's NOT appreciated at all. You won't like it if someone does the same thing to your closed ones so please extent the same courtesy to MinMin. And spare the rest of us your strange talks.

  16. min min is so beauty here..qiut as well...hope so much she will never do any plastic surgery in any part of her body espcially face...just mantain the natural beauty u have ....u always lovely outside n inside hopefully forever...miss u dear..plis comeback...and plis dont b so thin dear....u are really charming in Pk...

  17. 1oo positive with An12:30

  18. hello minmin, stay as sweet as you are, hoping and praying you will not change your physical look just like any other actresses that have gone to surgery to attain better look, to some it's already even an obsession to do surgery, well for me, you don't need any of that, simplicity is beauty, we are already very proud of you, inside and out you are an amazing person, you captured my heart in a very unusual way, eversince i saw you in pk last May (pk was shown here in Phils.) i already keep track of you, i went out of my way to visit internet cafes to have updates of you, thank GOD, of this blog...i am determind to follow you as one of your avid fans here in Phils., love you always...

  19. sorry for the long post, ms. jean, anyway thanks so much for the Admin, if not for this blog, i would not have known so much about jsm, i even had an internet connection just last week,hehehe, before i would go to internet cafes to open this blog, it's actually out of this world gesture for me, i was really surprised by myself too, i have done things which i never have thought i would do for such a person, there is something about jsm that makes me do these things, she's really an amazing person, with good personal traits, positive outlook, i really admire her for that, at such a young age, i look back when i was her age, back then, i don't think i was that mature at that time, compared to her, i would like to congratulate her parents for bringing her up into a good person, i have read her interviews i think she is a deep person, very articulate when answering, she's you minmin, waiting for your future projects..

  20. hi guys! you know that I'm with you when you say that we truly miss MinMin! we definitely need her wonderful acting chops back in the screen!

    @alan, I know you like MinMin alot but I do value respect here in the blog especially respect for So Min, I do hope in your next comment think of what MinMin would think if she would read your comments. And other visitors and Minnies feels uncomfortable with your messages with MinMin, I dont mean to be rude but if your comments will be offending or inappropriate in any way in regards to MinMin and the other Minnies, Im afraid I do need to delete your comments.

    @cathy, just call me jean ^_^ no need for ms, hehehehe! Its ok for having a long comment! the more the merrier as they say!

    guys, you are all wonderful! thank you for visiting the blog and loving MinMin! it overwhelms me that even though MinMin is not so active in the screen, you Minnies are always there for her! please continue to wait for her and support her because she truly deserves it! love you Minnies!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. oh jean you always so cute and smart to respond to comments, as ever you wrote in your mail, your blog overnight stop is the first thing I do when I wake up to start the day happy. the picture of the fan is so humble minmin access to their love and envy.
