Again, Please be reminded that this post is reserved to all the HyunMins. You have been warned.
To be honest, I'm so happy to keep posting that warning message in the start of my post because it only means one thing, its HyunMin Spazz Time!
My dearest HyunMins, I do hope your heart did take a rest from the spazz worthy photos before because you are in for a new ride of spazz worthy pictures from our resident lovable Playful Kiss couple.
Recently many awesome pictures coming our way from the MBC Drama Awards, and just can't help but be grateful to all people who literally spend their time and effort to capture these wonderful moments! The HyunMin shippers owes these people alot!
So without further ado, let's see the pics below!
Enjoy HyunMins!
Who said that they don't interact with each other?
MinMin was listening intently to KHJ! She even tried to lean closer!
Wonder what he's saying?
I wonder what they are talking about?
Hmmm, are they discussing on what to eat after the awards night?
Or they are talking about where to go together after the awarding? |
As Mai said, thank you to the bottled water!
Why thank the bottled water? Its such a great excuse to look at MinMin!
Hyun Joong, got yah! |
I think at this pictures MinMin was the one talking and it's Hyun Joong's turn to listen!
Good to know you that you guys knows how to give and take!
That trait is good foundation of a "relationship", hehehehe!
Now, I'm being greedy because what I wanted to see is the complete video
where this wonderful captures came from.
I do hope some good souls could give us even just the link for these videos!
Well, I could wish right?
Til next spazz time HyunMins!
credits: mijoong of soompi, slowdal